Hunters Mark Change Idea

Apply Hunter’s Mark to all targets, increasing all damage you deal to the marked targets by 20% for 15 seconds.

The targets can always be seen and tracked by the Hunter.

The cooldown of Hunter’s Mark is reset if a target dies.

1 min 45 cooldown

Not on the global cooldown.

What targets?

All targets in a cone in front of you?
All targets within X yards of yourself?
All targets within X yards of your current target?


Anyway, both Beast Mastery as well as SV has multiple abilities acting as passive damage boosts already. I would argue that we do not need another one.

60 yard radius, follows rules of los.


Oh. Wait. You’re serious?

This is a ridiculous suggestion. I can’t imagine seeing a dozen mobs with HM bouncing over their heads. Might cause the game to crash. If it didn’t, it would look pretty silly.

The only valid solution is to remove the damage component so it becomes situational instead of rotational.

Sentinel talent did exactly this in legion.

An owl would circle the area and mark targets periodically for marked shot.

Perhaps not so ridiculous!

Legion was the reason I quit for three years so I was unaware they did this.

That said, it doesn’t make it a good idea just because Blizzard did it. In fact, it wouldn’t be hard to argue the opposite.

I stand by my original statement.

Chill out friendo.

So you want hunters to have permanent 20% increased damage in all content where things can realistically die in 15 seconds?

Because that sounds absurdly broken. In dungeons specifically, but also in all questing content, and in any bosses where it can be gamed. It would be functionally untuneable - either hunters would be broken in aoe content or neutered in single target.

Please no.

The change already is simple.

Take the damage component off so it’s just a PvP tool for stealth classes.


Yeah, the thing is that the Sentinel mechanic was specifically created with MM in mind, based on how MM functioned on a core level during Legion.


Especially so with the current design. At least Sentinel was designed with the core gameplay of 1 spec in mind. To do so for current HM…just, more passive damage?

Like I said earlier, we have more than enough abilities providing passive damage boosts.

I never said nor did I even indicate that I want sentinel to be a thing to put hunters mark on everything. I was merely pointing out that something like that did exist, however it was specifically for marked shot anyway.

Yep, I know.

That last part wasn’t directed at you specifically. More towards the OP.

Also to cover traps vs imp dispel.