Hunters in 9.0 Prepatch

Are you two arguing about being Millennials and Boomers?

I’m gen z, not like it matters though. You also ignored how he conveniently deleted the post I responded to in order to make it seem like I’m in the wrong, but ok boomer.

Kinda. I think I was mostly responding because I didn’t realize my typing style or opinions aged me. Oh well.

Edit: just found that ok boomer is a stupid meme. Now I get it.

Did the post contain insults? He may have been suspended; they delete the offending post when that happens.

He basicly said something along the lines of “I love people like you, you keep complaining about a game that you can’t stop playing, and for the record I have more experience than you, I just like triggering bads like you by posting on alts” or something along that line. I assume he did indeed get suspended as the post was removed just a few hours later. Serves him right.

It’s really too early to tell. They were super skimpy on the details at Blizzcon. But to be fair, this whole unpruning and refocus on class does show they are listening. It’s a start. At least they’re moving in the right direction.


If a post disappears in just a few hours, it wasn’t deleted by the player himself/herself.

It usually takes 24 hours for a post to disappear, if deleted by the poster.

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I know it’s fairly common to delete posts that are simply attacks against other players. I’m actually fairly surprised that so little of this thread relates to anything mentioned in the original post.


Posts containing attacks or insults made against other players are against the CoC so, that’s the reason for why many of those are being deleted.

It’s fairly common for discussions within threads/topics to go a little off-topic at times. Usually, players tend to engage in particular subjects brought up in previous replies and that can sometimes cause the more general direction of the topic as a whole to stray from the OP.

As for this topic specifically, some of your predictions I would say are a bit…odd.

It’s ofc nice to see how you would like for the class to be.

Having said that:

We’ve seen/heard nothing that points to this being a thing for Shadowlands.
Quite the opposite in fact.

They said on stage that there would be no major overhauls to classes or specs, barring the select few that they felt needed fixing based on feedback from BfA. Like Subtlety.

Can they change their minds on this, going forward? Ofc. But at this point, we’ve heard nothing that points to that being the case.

Why remove specializations if you intend for some of the more iconic features from each spec to be talent options instead?

Player agency?

I guess I would want some insight into why you want specs to be removed and iconic features turned into talent options instead.

All this would do, is essentially:
We would have 1 core playstyle that could be built upon by various stand-alone talent options with little room for ability-interactions as most of the defining abilities are talents.

At least from my point of view.

Feel free to expand on why you want this.

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This is why discussion has been so varied, and off topic, as apart from Ion saying he’d like to touch on Sub, and BlizzCon detailing that apart from the additional unpruning (which IMO, is a bit meh), there’ll not a lot of change.

We have very, very little in details, which lead to assumptions with no basis whatsoever, such as overhauls.


Yep, very true.

We will just have to wait and see. I would say that we’re only weeks away from the alpha going up for Shadowlands(This ofc, is just a “guesstimate” based on last expansion and there’s no basis for this to really be the case atm.).

I just hope that we get some proper time to fully test the starting features of Shadowlands and that any constructive feedback is taken to heart.

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While we shouldn’t assume anything, now is the perfect time to repeat the issues of what has plagued the specs during BFA.


I’ve brought up some things in general or things that are about BM specifically. Not focused much on MM/MSV as I have no interest in playing them.

Along with my desire to see RSV return ofc. Hint @devs! :wink:

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you will get 60 abilities and passives as you level one for each level…some abilities will get pruned and some are coming back.

thats pretty much it.