Hunters in 9.0 Prepatch

Yeah, it’d become similar to old systems where roles were very much blurred, and players would pre-select such roles, despite the amount of investment into them.

In this, while pure dps specs could be quite enjoyable, hybrids will take a hit in output.

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Talent row 1 bm Hunter from bc

Talent row too bm Hunter from lich King

Row 3 bm Hunter from cata

Row four bm Hunter from mop lol…so on…would be so sick

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That brings up a fair point of concern for how classes with specs capable of multiple roles would balance out in this type of presentation. The only “solution” I could think of is to have the first talent row mimic a lot of the passive (not listed in your spell book) modifications that the different role specs currently have (more stamina and armor for the tank spec, more mana for healing specs, etc). Then, somehow follow suite in a way that allows the remaining talent choices to follow along and compliment those initial choices. That’d be a challenging design indeed.

I can already see invincible Warriors and one-shotting Hunters.

Are people in here seriously claiming they won’t do extensive changes come 9.0?

They’ve already said that some specs such as Subtlety Rogue getting a rework, if anything we’ll see extensive class changes to every class come 9.0. BFA class design is one of the main criticism of this expansion, I’m sure they’ve picked up on that.

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At this stage, we can only go by the amount of details given, and avoid assuming.
As per Blizzon:

So I don’t think you will see extensive Class changes, as we say something like in Legion; but we are going to be mostly additive; because as Kevin mentioned, we want to make sure that every Level is rewarding.

Yes, I would very much like to have some serious class changes, but I’m not about to assume something where we have no evidence to say as such.


Ion said in an interview with a german magazine that there are some specs that they would like to touch, he mentioned Subtlety Rogues, saying that they wanted to revert them back to the sneaky PvP archetype. I don’t see why we can’t expect other specs to be looked at too, such as Affliction Warlocks and Marksmanship Hunters.

There’s the problem of expectations without evidence. Ion saying he’d like to touch Sub Rogue, does not indicate significant change.

You’re assuming too much without confirmations.


I guess… only time will tell.

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Except it’s already been pointed out that they said at Blizzcon classes wouldn’t be getting significant overhauls. They even referenced the change of SV from ranged to melee as an example of something that wouldn’t be happening.


So they’re basicly going to ignore feedback about how current class design is the worst it’s ever been? That spells the doom for World of Warcraft as we know it. They have one last chance to fix things in Shadowlands or it’s over.

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For traits yes, but the viable builds really didn’t change for MM

Whatever happens, I’ve already preordered Shadowlands and I will casually play it, but I’ve been thinking lately it might be my last expansion. I’m not getting any younger, and I’m glad I got to play this spec during its prime. Maybe it’ll be time to move on.

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So we can add you to the list of soothesayers who’ve claimed the end of WoW for a decade now? Loudmouths on the forums don’t represent the majority. A lot of people still like the game very much.

Post on your main, I bet you’re a LFR hero. The numbers and player feedback speak for themselves, and trust me, you’re a minority in claiming people like current classes, if even that.

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Who knows if it might be the last expansion or close to it?

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You’re absolutely right. Anything can happen. It’s been a great run either way.

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Let’s check the credibility here

  1. Use of the word “literally” incorrectly
  2. Uses “boomer” as an insult
  3. Emojis
  4. Use of “lmao”
  5. Doesn’t understand the difference between complaining (silly and fruitless) and criticizing (better complaining)
  6. Ad hominem with “neckbeard” reference
  7. Can’t understand the difference between your and you’re
  8. Horrendous punctuation

Yeah. I think I can safely ignore you.

Edit: toned down my disdain a little.


_Ok boomer

That cuts to the quick. As a borderline millennial thank you for ascribing yet more maturity to me.

You really need to try harder. I think “poop face” would have been more witty.

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