Hunters, Guns

Why do hunters when it come to guns have short and small weird looking guns?
Why not have cool muskets with scopes etc

Huh? Most of my guns are as long as I am tall. I’d say we need more interesting short guns, myself.

the blunderbuss style of design for guns is easily ugliest thing in this game.

From what I can tell, they’re stuck on the smooth bore design.

Larger thicker guns means more effort is needed to minimise the associated clipping issues (which lets be real, are already really prevalent).

insert inappropriate double entendre here

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Ive got a few like you describe, some with loooong scopes too.
Just gotta find the mogs out there.

My gun is as big as I am and it has a scope as well.

I agree, there are some with bayonets attached, feathers, that really weird goober gun with the green eyeball design on the side, some with ammo clips, silithid ones from AQ…

There are some unique ones if you know where to look.


I have a problem with the gun mogs. There are just too many good ones to choose from, lol.

Once you reach a certain level, you mean. Until you get into BC and Wrath transmogs, I think you do have like 99% muskets.

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There are a few decent ones from Vanilla, but all from raids.

So yeah, plenty of guns look good 60+, prior to that you have Blunderbuss A/B/C, Shotgun A/B, Double-Barreled Shotgun A/B, Rifle A/B, a few varieties of the same with scopes, and a few different colors of each.

To me one of the best looking guns comes from the opera event in Karazan. Wolf Sniper Rifle. Drops off the Red Riding Hood one. Always loved that one.


My issue with gear from the older raids is that regardless of how good the design is it looks really weird with the low res textures juxtaposed next to all the shiny new stuff.

Obviously not a hunter.

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Agree one billion percent.

For some odd reason I like the older stuff. My paladin alliance has the purple and grey T2 recolour. But on the other hand I like some of the newer stuff. My BE paladin is in a, honestly don’t know what it is, it os a pvp season all black. Just felt fit the old Blood Knight look, and I use the Blood Knight tabard with that character.

There are some newer guns I would love to get but I just have not tried to get them due to time and the newer raids being longer than I can sometimes do in one sitting, or one lock out.

Yeah its not the design of the gear, its that it looks dated and weird with the old textures right next to all the new textures.

Ah, but on the Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle, they added reflections to it, and it looks pretty amazing even by today’s standards. The inlay on the stock looks a bit low res, but everything else holds up surprisingly well.

they tried blunder busts with scopes…
That’s like adding sniper scopes too a sawed-off shotgun!