Hunters doing 1200-1400 dps on Bosses while boomies, SPs, locks doing 600. LOOOOL

what are you smoking because its some of the good stuff… it’s okay we are spamming reddit and twitter with these stats and i’ll see you back here when you take a nice 40% haircut.

crys in warrior, with 12 different buttons for standard rotation


A majority of damage from basically every class is 1-2 abilities. Your point is moot.

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Hunters start phases strong, and end phases in the middle. They have a high floor and low ceiling. Smooth brain posters seem to not understand what scaling even means.

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They could literally have unittests that sim damage amounts at mocked up gear levels as part of their CICD pipeline. The don’t even need to “test” them it can just be a unittest that runs automatically; this could be true for every version of the game simultaneously with roughly the same unit tests because aside from small changes to scaling, additional stats existing in later versions of the game, and things like snapshotting get removed at the end of MOP - the combat engine is pretty much the same through all versions of the game.

Blizzard has the employees you can get for 80K a year in Irvine, CA - which is about double the cost of living of anywhere else. These aren’t allstars - stop being surprised when cheap labor does bad work.

Do they start like 250% stronger than everyone else strong?

lol, I can’t wait for this to get nerfed and for hunters to go “omg they nerfed us again we’re such victims” lol

Hunters aren’t 250% stronger than everyone.

Again, Warriors and Rogues are doing similar numbers as Melee Hunters.
Enh Shaman are up there too, this is a melee versus caster issue. This obsession with hating on hunters specifically is really annoying.


95% of their damage is melee and Raptor Strike. Post on your melee hunter main.

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Eh usually are it’s a PvP spec.

But fingers of frost big dam frost bolts looks fun for pve if they can figure it out!

Don’t really care and I’m not sure why people spend so much time looking at other peoples logs instead of their own, as it will be drastically different based on how you parse and how much you invest in consumes and enchants. Scaling will also affect how people perform when they’re actually geared for the phase

Personally, MM is an absolute blast to play (and can carry the second last boss, the one that’s actually hard) and does more than enough damage to kill the bosses in this raid. Wouldn’t trade it for the world and they’ve done a great job making MM an interesting and fun spec to play compared to vanilla


The majority of their damage is actually their pet


Hunter dev strikes again.

Melee hunters have the advantage of getting everything they need to hit almost max DPS this phase by killing a 42 elite, doing an escort quest and doing Mara once. It isn’t surprising they’re currently #1, but they will be past up by warrior and rogue for sure and possibly enhance shaman. Sounds like casters just need some potential buffs.

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a FEW hunters are doing that much, lets not say HUNTERS like they are all capable of doing that.

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Ranged Hunter is 5x more fun than Melee Hunter. Across all aspects of SOD, from PVE, Open World, PVP.

Every single Hunter who is running Melee simply enjoys being top DPS (or close) with their two button rotation.

While no class is so complicated in Classic, some in SOD are SIGNIFICANTLY easier to play than others. Compare the gameplay/rotation of Ranged Hunter vs Melee, then compare the results.

These Developers are bald.


As a destro warlock, I feel weaker at lvl 50 than I did at 40 for some reason. Must have been that lake of fire nerf where they took 40% of my dmg away. Might just re roll this phase

Called it when it was datamined. The new rune gives them 75% increased damage to Raptor Strike.
Not sure how they could possibly let that go live considering they were already forced to remove a mere 30% increase on Dual Wield Spec in P2.

Actual joke of a game when it comes to class balance.

Poor take. Hunters having poor scaling is a vanilla thing, not SoD.
Sure they won’t scale as well as Warriors who will undoubtedly overtake them with gear, however having a larger than 100% dps difference over the “average” performance of classes/specs will not be surpassed or even dented with gear.

Only Fire Mage and Warlock are in any position to meaningfully close that gap.
Pretty poor considering munter is literally the easiest one-button spec in the game.

Gotta remember stat scaling is based on level, those 10 levels actually significantly reduce the benefit of things like intellect based crit. So you are double dipping for a potentially substance crit loss, plus flat damage reduction from the loss of Lake of Fire.

Backdraft should provide a significant improvement though, although you may not feel it as much with it providing more weaker damage spells compared to fewer significantly higher damage spells.
30% passive spell haste with 100% uptime isn’t something to sneeze at though, it’s basically a permanent Bloodlust buff.

Shaman went an entire phase without being touched. Dev’s should just wait and see how this plays out, and not make any changes until phase 4.


I mean. Thats probably what’s going to happen. Minor changes at best maybe a massive knee jerk overreaction to a single spec.