Hunters can root you mid air spam

how is that fun, im seeing a hunter in azj-kahet just going around and flying near people and rooting them without even getting off his mount and they are rooted for 6 sec and die of falling dmg while on their mount. How is that fun ?

Happened to me in Hollowfall as well. Was really surprised when I got netted and was looking around frantically for the Hunter. Im good with Survival net being usable on flying guys (the same way Untangling Roots is), but it should also dismount the Hunter

It does dismount the Hunter. I don’t know what the OP is on. He’s probably seeing two Hunters; one who nets while the other chases them on a mount.

no, he found a way for it not to dismount himself and thats why he’s been netting everyone on his mount around the zone and having a blast.

Are we only going off word of mouth here? Any proof, video? Combat logs?

Im saying this because I’m a hunter who often Tracker’s Nets people, and there’s no way to use it without dismounting. Are you absolutely, 100% sure that he’s not using something like Craft Creche Crowler to where, when he nets you, he’s automatically gliding (at the same speed he was going on his skyriding mount because it carries previous speed/momentum) and it looks like he’s on a mount because he’s going fast?

I’m going down the list here because I know I for one use many things in WPvP that many players, at first glance, might think “that’s sus!” in the heat of the moment but really isn’t once you stop to analyze what it is they’re doing.

Can confirm, happened to me today while flying around Az Kahet while doing dailies. He used surge to catch to me and rooted me in place. Died to fall damage. It did not dismount him.

What was the name? If you remember it.

Asking because me and two of my Hunter friends, also Survival, were running around Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet rooting people in air as they flew by…

But I can tell you 100% it dismounts us.