Hunters ? Brothers?

Spitting Cobra (Talent) damage is increased by 260%.


Too bad the damage a random snake does going up doesn’t make the snake more interesting. :frowning:

Haha Yeah I know it’s just funny how out of all the things (nothing wrong with it) but how they choose to throw this at us. :cold_face:

Just let hunters equip 2 leggos and I’ll be fine.

Why do you want 2 leggo ? All of our legendary are flavorless and overly under tuned.

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Blizz seems to be doing a lot of buffing of un-used talents / covenants / legendaries to make them relevant for several classes / specs.

Pretty sure even with 260% spitting cobra is still not meeting the mark, but I’m not a theory-crafter. Maybe for pure single target?

Pure single target, buff does nothing although. :face_with_head_bandage:

Out talents need to be redesigned not just buffed. I can tell you what we have on live was designed over a lunch break.

I have done a lot of work to show how our talents should be designed in this thread:

Bush’s BM Talent and Pet System Revamp

Spitting in public is a dirty habit. we shouldn’t encourage it.