Hunters.... Black Arrow is back, per hero talent

Black Arrow: Fire a Black Arrow into your target, causing it to take Shadow damage every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. Each time Black Arrow deals damage, you have a chance to reset the cooldown of Aimed Shot or Barbed Shot. 30 second cooldown

Dark Hounds: Each time Black Arrow deals damage, you have a chance to manifest an undead hound to charge your target and deal Shadow damage.



Still think that Dark Ranger should’ve been a ranged rogue spec

Alas for what could have been. Ranged physical dps continues to be a one-class show.


Oh hey it’s outlander (I don’t mind, the idea of a necromantic ranger was actually really cool).

Still probably going Sentinel but this at least gives flavor to something I thought might be tricky to make work for a spec that was basically reduced to Black Arrow

FWIW I think Ranger should be a united hero spec that covers the old elven archer heroes with a choice of special shot to leave room for other hunter hero types but this at least does a fair attempt to justify it.


But a lot of the dark rangers are actually range dps

I’m wondering if you read what you quoted.


I meant as hunters

I’m talking about the dark rangers from sylvanas trained, they all are hunters in a way

Ugh I wish I could use a bow on any other class.

Paladin- shoot you with the light
Monk- shoot you with chi
Rogue- shadowy theme


Because they’re ranged, yes. It’s not like they’re using nature magic or animal companions.

My dream was for them to either make a new spec or change an existing one for rogues that would use ranged weapons and shadow magic, which in my opinion would have been a better fit for the theme than hunters.

But that’s obviously not going to happen now so it’s a moot point.


Three weapon types being locked to basically 2 specs is just not great for itemization.


To be fair, there are only so many ways to shoot something with a bow or gun. Course if we had Tinker/Artificer [name pending] That’d help things along. It’ll never happen, at the very least not in a way that will be satisfying.

Eh. Could make the same argument that there’s only so many ways to stab things, but we have like five different melee dps classes.


I can dream. For now I run around on gw2 thief once in a while to get my “assassin with a bow” itch to be scratched. (Even if it’s only a utility weapon there)

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True, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t toyed with the idea of a Stealth Archer Rogue spec.

It’d be fun, right?

I mean I might be biased because I’ve never really liked rogues as is, but it is what it is.


Eh, Rogues are opportunists in lore. I can totally see one bringing a bow (or gun) to a knife fight.

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Warrior and Rogue would at least have precedent; idk if they still have them but until Mists (Cata?) they did have ranged weapons on their skill list.

Paladin could make sense too. Crossbows and guns like Kul Tirans.

Monk as a quasi 4th way

Huh, like an Inquisitor or Witch Hunter like in that Drustvar storyline.

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Yeah that’s what I had in mind.

  • Inspiration for Dark Ranger comes from Sylvanas in WC3: Frozen Throne. While iconic, the style didn’t fit as one of the three specs of the Hunter class when it was designed in vanilla. When Hero Talents became an option to expand the class fantasy, Dark Ranger became an obvious choice.
  • A lot of the ideas for Dark Ranger came from the Dark Ranger archetype in WoW, like Dark Chains is inspired by Sylvanas’ battle with The Lich King in the Shadowlands cinematic, and Shadowhounds is a reference to Nathanos’ undead pets in Eastern Plaguelands.

Dark Ranger is Marksmanship and Beast Mastery because Dark Rangers are defined by ranged attacks and abilities, with Black Arrow, so it wouldn’t fit the Survival Hunter’s melee theme.

They said it themselves, a melee having a dark ranger theme couldn’t have worked with survival hunter, nor would a melee class

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