Hunters asdf

when are hunters getting nerfed! 10 cc’s, healing, turtle, and stupid high damage out put, every darn expansion they out perform every class

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Tell me more.

survival hunters can stay but



they need to gut the hell out of BM

barbed shot giving pets 100% attack speed btw

Nah bo, stay salty. Why would you nerf survivability when that’s a non issue due all hunter specs sharing it.

why do hunters even care about survivability when you dont even press the buttons gave to you to survive

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oh look, hunters are like “naw, hunters all good bro” lol


Moot point. Go sniff more glue.

L2p issue unless you give some backstory to this baby rant.

what ever you say chief, enjoy your op ness

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dawg i have many crayons and glue flavors than you can imagine

Dude, your insult is of a 2nd grader lol nice try though

Is survival the op spec?