Hunters and Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky

What’s worse is much of the playerbase is under the impression that having our performance gated behind a rare end boss item like this is actually preferential treatment towards Hunters.


another week of full heroic clear, normal kill, LFR cancer - no bow on drop or in vault. Hoping Ras drops tonight, but this is terrible game design. Please make some bad luck insurance for this, Bliz.

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Dont give us that bullcrap…Ive seen it drop once in lfr while competing with a bunch of other hunters to get it. Its great that the rng gods blessed you but youre an idiot for underestimating other people’s luck.


LMAO Cog :slight_smile:

Having an equipment so class breaking is just as bad as borrowed power, think of it, what will become of us next tier? Do we all continue to farm mythic Vault until every one of this game’s most played class get one of this rare drop? How is that fair when it comes to ranking? You just gotta pity those that have bad luck and lose out on ranking because this bow is just too good, i got the LFR version when third wing release, and it not only replace my then 405 dragon hunt bow, it also shows to be 5.5% better than 418 version of it with fang adornment, this is just deflating.

I can sort of understand blizzard want to reward people for content they’re doing, raider get raider’s reward, which deserve abit of better stat combo due to how much time needed to commit, while mythic dungeon players get more chance of getting loot upgrade. However, they forgot the difference between those that could farm both, either having the time, or lucky to be in a good guild, vs those who barely have time to work one one of the two pve contents.

All these probably shouldn’t be concern for my level, but such issue has been an Archille’s heel for WoW again and again. I’m not even sure if people would agree with me and im probably on the luckier side when it come to drop, but i can imagine it can be horrid for people without the luck or time to obtain such equipment to make their class to perform at acceptable level as relative to other class. It also give our class a bad name because not only bad players ruin our class/spec reputation, which make it hard for us who run with pugs, unlucky players also inevitably led to misguided concensus on our spec/class.

just some food for thought and probably vented a lil, my apologies.

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yo man play survival then u wont need a bow!! year of the spear!


You all had you time to shine. Need year of the beast to come back. To be fair it’s probably Marky’s turn to be op.

Any genius answer to this? I still have not gotten mine either, and if it wasn’t so dang impactful I wouldn’t mind. Did the super smart people in charge of this just not know what they were doing? A reply to this would be helpful. Or are they just doing the normal and ignoring all these comments?

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I got my bow last week, its honestly unreal how much better it makes the spec feel to play and how much more damage it makes you do. They really need to implement some sort of BLP for this thing.

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I got the lfr version of it. Was better the. A 405 crafted bow. My dps increased alot.
I looked at my log between 10 to 15k dps every fight.

this Bow causes huge Toxicity within the Hunter community and causes Hunters to not even be invited to groups for Heroic/normal Ras. Blizzard thought this would be a cool and fun thing having group loot on this bow when It should have been kept Personal loot… The amount of no hunters allowed to be invited to this raid is such a huge disappoint and should go against blizzards principles. It doesnt make the game fun in fact it makes it more depressing causing even Less invites to hunter who havent had the luck obtaining a bow…
Alot Of mythic raiding hunters purposely sit themselves now for more chances at the heroic vault to get the bow. I strongly believe blizzard needs to take a look at the design of this bow and fix something for the future cause we all know Blizzard doesnt care at all about fixing the system of loot how it is now and just makes me want to quit the game. Ive already unsubbed.


Putting “NO HUNTERS” on your Rasz pug results in some pretty entertaining whispers.

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I’ve never seen ANY class with more toxicity and hate towards each other than hunters do now. It’s shocking Blizz put this in the game and made it stupidly rare.

Or for a pug raid to progress to raz then kick out all the hunters that aren’t their friend


Try Mistweaver forum. XD

It’s worse than even that. I am actively avoiding doing Heroic raiding with my guild, because it’s unlikely we will kill Heroic Rasz this week and I need all three vault slots for a chance at a Normal bow. Considering I’m the best geared, and highest dps in the guild, that just feels terrible to leave them in the lurch.


How do you get all 3 vault slots for normal bow? Just kill rasz 8 times on normal?

You just don’t kill any heroic bosses so all 3 vault slots are for normal

Dude’s got a ton of gear though, not sure how they haven’t managed to pug a Raz kill yet

Wouldn’t it make more sense to just kill rasz on normal once and only have rasz on the loot list for one slot rather than 3 slots with all the bosses? Or is that not how it works?