Hunters and Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky

I got the lfr version of it. Was better the. A 405 crafted bow. My dps increased alot.
I looked at my log between 10 to 15k dps every fight.

this Bow causes huge Toxicity within the Hunter community and causes Hunters to not even be invited to groups for Heroic/normal Ras. Blizzard thought this would be a cool and fun thing having group loot on this bow when It should have been kept Personal loot… The amount of no hunters allowed to be invited to this raid is such a huge disappoint and should go against blizzards principles. It doesnt make the game fun in fact it makes it more depressing causing even Less invites to hunter who havent had the luck obtaining a bow…
Alot Of mythic raiding hunters purposely sit themselves now for more chances at the heroic vault to get the bow. I strongly believe blizzard needs to take a look at the design of this bow and fix something for the future cause we all know Blizzard doesnt care at all about fixing the system of loot how it is now and just makes me want to quit the game. Ive already unsubbed.


Putting “NO HUNTERS” on your Rasz pug results in some pretty entertaining whispers.

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I’ve never seen ANY class with more toxicity and hate towards each other than hunters do now. It’s shocking Blizz put this in the game and made it stupidly rare.

Or for a pug raid to progress to raz then kick out all the hunters that aren’t their friend


Try Mistweaver forum. XD

It’s worse than even that. I am actively avoiding doing Heroic raiding with my guild, because it’s unlikely we will kill Heroic Rasz this week and I need all three vault slots for a chance at a Normal bow. Considering I’m the best geared, and highest dps in the guild, that just feels terrible to leave them in the lurch.


How do you get all 3 vault slots for normal bow? Just kill rasz 8 times on normal?

You just don’t kill any heroic bosses so all 3 vault slots are for normal

Dude’s got a ton of gear though, not sure how they haven’t managed to pug a Raz kill yet

Wouldn’t it make more sense to just kill rasz on normal once and only have rasz on the loot list for one slot rather than 3 slots with all the bosses? Or is that not how it works?

You only have to kill a boss once to have their loot added to the pool of options. I’ve already killed every boss on LFR, Normal and 7/8 Heroic, so my best chance is to only have all three slots at normal - or kill Heroic Rasz this week and then fill all three slots with Heroic.

Any idea how hard it is to get into a Heroic Rasz pug as a Hunter? The base of most pugs is a guild, and they all seem to have a Hunter in their guild that doesn’t want any roll competition if the bow drops. I’ve even left notes saying I won’t roll on bow and just want the kill for vault, but they don’t know me and don’t know if I’d honor that promise.

I need a Weak Aura to track the number of pug groups I’ve applied to and been denied. The thing is, with my gear and parses they never just deny me. They let my application sit in the window until it times out. It’s frustrating.

Not actually true.

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I do know how hard it is, cause I pugged it myself…

Another week of 5 bow sources that failed. Yet a few extremely lucky people have been running around with them for weeks now.

This is honestly the most frustrated I’ve been with loot since I started playing when the game first released.

Why the **** would you balance a class around a rare drop, that some people will probably never get the entire tier. **** you blizzard. This is absolutely infuriating.


When a class’s power is split between the haves vs the have nots based completely on luck, it feels real good for a select few. Really bad for the remainders. Seen more than a few hunters cancel their subs because of this profoundly poor design decision

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If past item level are to be referred, there would be a 26 ilvl gap between m+ gear.

Consider that sims still tell me my 392 nethalak is 5.5% better than my 418 dragon hunt bow with fang, we can safely assume that the mythic version of Nethalak, albeit not everyone can get it or lucky to get it, will still be relevant at the end of next season.

This is something of a concern for sure, i don’t mind Blizz temporarily overtune certain things or make bad decision like shards of dominion, but for a rare item that will still be bis for more than a season beyond its tier, not to mention it perform extremely well with certain spec, it is not healthy at all.

Just apply the PvP-Nerf to the Bow in PvE as well.
So instead of 30% you would get 6% atkspeed.
If i cant have it, pls nerf it to the Ground

This bow is completely and utterly broken, speaking as someone with a 405 version. Basically gives you full time lust, especially on raid bosses / tyrannical high keys. The divide between those who have it and don’t is ridiculous for BM.


Yes it is.
And there are some pple out here in the forums that downgrade that issue.

its just dumb even with the nerf, the unobtainable mythic version of the bow will still be bis along with other armor/rings in pvp, EVEN AFTER THE NERF because the ilev is higher and it still gives some of the 30% haste, this class keeps getting shortest straw every single time