Which spec is best for Hunters who like WQ/Soloing? Is it still BM or did it change to something else? I know the Min/Max’ers have a preference for Survival right now. But is that also applicable to WQ/Soloing?
I only play Beast Master and my hunters all have a much easier time at doing WQ’a compared to my other non-hunter characters. Might not be what your’re looking for but that’s my experience.
BM 100%
Definitely BM, all the more so with Call of the Wild on beta, great for boss/elite burst.
“Best” or “Easiest”?
BM is by far the easier spec to play and has tons of options for ‘round-up and burn down’ world play tactics.
But, any spec is viable and by no means do any of them feel weak out in the world. I leveled this guy as SV from SL launch. Have another SV hunter rolling around in ZM with zero issues. Just b/c it’s the FotM for M+ doesn’t mean it’s not viable other places.
Both BM and survival are good, BM is a bit better because you can choose a larger variety of pets and you’re ranged.
Marksman is okay, but it’s designed around not having a pet. More difficult in open-world but still doable.
BM and here is a pet list.
I use scalehides for a tank pet.
Shardhide model I recommend to tame in Korthia, much better than the others.
Turtles work too if you don’t like scalehides.
For soloing stuff BM and a clefthoof. While it can be done with the other specs, it takes more effort, and concentration and perhaps the “solo” part of it cuts out a bit sooner.
Scalehides are not as good as clefthoofs, but if you decide to go MM or Survival they are your best option.