Hunter vs Paladin for soloing

11/01/2018 09:29 PMPosted by Vandal
11/01/2018 09:09 PMPosted by Micro
paladins are the 2nd to worst solo leveling class in the game
not even remotely true, reckoning is phenomenal and once they get the tools they're great at aoe grinding, plus a free mount at 40. rogues are the 2nd worst class for leveling, but they're still head and shoulders above warriors. shaman/priest/pally are all mid tier, shaman is probably fastest of these 3 because of ghost wolf at 20, pally might even edge out priest because of the free mount.
you realize the sitting to stack crits was a bug they patched out of game right, priest are one of the most dpm classes that dont stop killing , you get a free mount that any decent player is gonna have already saved up to buy, sorry frond but paladins are with warrior in the 3rd tier
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11/01/2018 09:41 PMPosted by Theloras
11/01/2018 09:09 PMPosted by Micro
paladins are the 2nd to worst solo leveling class in the game, hunter is the best , they dont stack up , they are not even playing the same game at some points

Fake News bro - Prot Paladin AoE farming with reflective damage says hello
seen videos that compare the time spent its not really worth it without a druid healer
11/01/2018 10:33 PMPosted by Micro
you realize the sitting to stack crits was a bug they patched out of game right
yeah eventually, like 2-3 expansions later. wasn't a bug they just decided they didn't like it anymore
Can confirm: pallies AOE grinding is fun and I almost never died.
11/01/2018 10:33 PMPosted by Micro
you realize the sitting to stack crits was a bug they patched out of game right
Except it wasn't a bug it was a feature, it's even described in the game manual and wasn't removed until like 6 years after vanilla ended so not only are you wrong but you've just invalidated your entire LIFE.

You started playing in 2016, i almost feel pity for you.
The guy is a troll ressing threads that have been dead for multiple days non-freaking-stop atm.
Hunter was the best hands down. Warlocks once they got their +shadow dmg tailor set in the 40's would over take them imo but overall for solo utility its always hunter. Feign Death is just so great to have in classic for levelling and soloing.

Retadins were as slow as 2 snails fu**ing. Any huntard would have the area cleared by the time a retadin downed its 2nd mob.
hunter over paladin any day for soloing... why are there people that think paladins were a good soloing class? lmao
11/02/2018 06:16 AMPosted by Blåzè
hunter over paladin any day for soloing... why are there people that think paladins were a good soloing class? lmao

Because the thread is about soloing tough mobs, particularly elites, and Paladins are fantastic at that.

This thread isn't about fastest class for solo grinding XP against weak mobs.