Hunter vs Paladin for soloing

I think the Hunter is the easiest of the choices to solo content, and hunting the rare pets might give you something to do, though you can only have 3 or 4 stabled pets total =/

I think the warlock or Paladin might actually be more of a challenge, but the hunter is the least gear dependent, so if you're not planning on raiding, play the Hunter imo.

That being said, the Paladin will be by far the best for soloing dungeons at higher gear thresholds.
11/01/2018 10:23 AMPosted by Wyn
Hunters - specifically BM Hunters - are the reigning champions of leveling and farming in Vanilla WoW. The rest are welcome to compete for second place.

Frost mages are the kings of farming.
11/01/2018 11:35 AMPosted by Mordegast
11/01/2018 10:23 AMPosted by Wyn
Hunters - specifically BM Hunters - are the reigning champions of leveling and farming in Vanilla WoW. The rest are welcome to compete for second place.

Frost mages are the kings of farming.

But have serious downtime to eat/drink after each pull and if a single mob resists their freeze/slow they're fooked.

Whereas a Prot Paladin can AoE down an even bigger mob pack and end the fight at full hp/mana in the same time frame with reflective damage :P
Hunter until 35, then Paladin takes it over as the best solo class in the game with Reckoning. Rec bombs with a 3.5 speed will one shot on level elite mobs.

If you gear as a healer your mend pet gets insane on healing.
11/01/2018 11:35 AMPosted by Mordegast
11/01/2018 10:23 AMPosted by Wyn
Hunters - specifically BM Hunters - are the reigning champions of leveling and farming in Vanilla WoW. The rest are welcome to compete for second place.

Frost mages are the kings of farming.

No, Prot Pal is better from 35 onward. Frost mage AoE comes online earlier, but is dwarfed by Prot Pal.
Hunter by far.
Enemy hits too hard? Get the pet to tank
Enemy snaps your pet in half? Kite
Overpull? Feign
Enemy 10 levels above you? Kite and slow for multishot
Hate walking everywhere? Aspect of the Cheetah
HAVE to pull more than one mob? Freeze trap
Have to pull MANY mobs? Frost trap and circle kite
Pull while feign's on CD? Scattershot for a 4 second stun
Hate low DPS? Spec marksman for the bonus crit rate/damage and do entire healthbars if you get a crit from your aimed and auto one after the other
Hate mages? Just crit for their whole healthbar with a single aimed and if your pet hits fast they'll never cast on you
Hate dieing in dungeons? feign, if that fails, kite to the entrance
1 Like
11/01/2018 08:01 AMPosted by Fyedora
I'm a mostly casual player who likes to solo difficult content and build classes around that. E.g. in early TBC I farmed parts of BRD on a 60 frost mage.

My Question is, how does a hunter stack up against a paladin for soloing tough mobs? Let's ignore for now kiting and platform hopping and related strategies that avoid damage. I'm talking about something like an honest 1v1 with an elite where your pet or the paladin is taking direct hits while mitigating, doing damage, and healing.

More Context: For official Classic, I'm split between dwarf hunter (LW, skinning, beast mastery), or dwarf paladin (BS, mining, holy/ret). On the Kronos private server I've been leveling that paladin build and have been pleased with its great survivability. Basically I use imp Bless of Wisdom + Judg of Wisdom + watching 5 sec rule for mana conservation, and use a mix of crafted plate, a few dungeon BiS drops, and a little healer gear. Also, with Divine Favor + bubble you can basically go from empty to full health at any point in the fight.

The paladin has worked great, but I'm really feeling the itch to try a hunter and do LW with Dragonscale specialization. I've read that hunter pets didn't scale with the hunter's stats in Vanilla, and that some extreme soloers would actually stack lots of healer gear for their mana pool. The Hunter seems appealing for similar reasons that a Paladin does, in that there's many ways you can think of building them with Vanilla's open-ended stats. Also Dwarves are awesome :-)

Forgive me if this has been discussed, but I couldn't find anything on this particular comparison.

With the correct set of items paladins can tank an unlimited number of mobs depending on the mobs base melee damage.

Ardent Defender (+50% block chance)
Blessing of Sanctuary (reduces damge by 24)
Force of Will (trinket BRD, reduces damage taken by 25)
Uthers Strength (world drop trinket)
Demon forged Breast plate (blacksmithing chest, chance on being hit to drain life from enemy scales with spell power)
Lesser absorbtion (chest enchant: 5% chance on being hit to make a 25 health point shield)
Ironfoe (using Blessing of light and lifestealing) or (any 1handed life steal proc weapon)

Using these items and abilities, you can keep nearly 100% block chance via redoubt and ardent defender and your base block chance.

With force of will and BoS you get 49 base damage reduction and a blocked attack will be another -50+ damage so anything that hits for less than 100 damage will hit for 1 or 0 (this is assuming fresh lv 60 with low strength.

Furthermore with all the healing and absorbs you will be generating you can effectively tank an unlimited number of mobs as long as their damge isn't to high. So you should be able to pull entire instances such as SM or even prison area of BRD without taking any damage.
11/01/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Nalal
Hunter by far.
Enemy hits too hard? Get the pet to tank
Enemy snaps your pet in half? Kite
Overpull? Feign
Enemy 10 levels above you? Kite and slow for multishot
Hate walking everywhere? Aspect of the Cheetah
HAVE to pull more than one mob? Freeze trap
Have to pull MANY mobs? Frost trap and circle kite
Pull while feign's on CD? Scattershot for a 4 second stun
Hate low DPS? Spec marksman for the bonus crit rate/damage and do entire healthbars if you get a crit from your aimed and auto one after the other
Hate mages? Just crit for their whole healthbar with a single aimed and if your pet hits fast they'll never cast on you
Hate dieing in dungeons? feign, if that fails, kite to the entrance

Spoken like a horde scum rouge who's never feasted his eyes on the glory that is a Reckoning bomb.
11/01/2018 12:34 PMPosted by Drakonov
11/01/2018 12:29 PMPosted by Nalal
Hunter by far.
Enemy hits too hard? Get the pet to tank
Enemy snaps your pet in half? Kite
Overpull? Feign
Enemy 10 levels above you? Kite and slow for multishot
Hate walking everywhere? Aspect of the Cheetah
HAVE to pull more than one mob? Freeze trap
Have to pull MANY mobs? Frost trap and circle kite
Pull while feign's on CD? Scattershot for a 4 second stun
Hate low DPS? Spec marksman for the bonus crit rate/damage and do entire healthbars if you get a crit from your aimed and auto one after the other
Hate mages? Just crit for their whole healthbar with a single aimed and if your pet hits fast they'll never cast on you
Hate dieing in dungeons? feign, if that fails, kite to the entrance

Spoken like a horde scum rouge who's never feasted his eyes on the glory that is a Reckoning bomb.

reckbomb has nothing on the pure kite potential of a hunter with an IQ above 20
11/01/2018 12:39 PMPosted by Nalal
11/01/2018 12:34 PMPosted by Drakonov

Spoken like a horde scum rouge who's never feasted his eyes on the glory that is a Reckoning bomb.

reckbomb has nothing on the pure kite potential of a hunter with an IQ above 20

Depends if he wants to solo 1 big mob or multiple medium or small ones. With the correct gear a paladin can tank an unlimited number of elites depending on their level and power. With some decent end game gear you could probably pull all of BRD prison in one pull and not break a sweat.
11/01/2018 12:39 PMPosted by Nalal
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Spoken like a horde scum rouge who's never feasted his eyes on the glory that is a Reckoning bomb.

reckbomb has nothing on the pure kite potential of a hunter with an IQ above 20

Thats simply not true. The theoretical DPS of a prot pal is limited by target count and that alone. They can survive hits from an absurd number of mobs and they dish our insane return damage every time they're hit. We're talking in the ballpark of 100+ per hit taken, depending on spec. You can trade out more return damage for consecration for even more AoE.

Paladin survival is second to none, but they lack taunt and single targrt aggro, so they dont see raid representstion. That doesnt mean they dont have solid math backing their kit.

If you rec-weave between autos and consecrate, along with your return damage from Blessing, Aura, and Holy Shield, you have a hypothetically infinite dps, capped only by the number of targets breaking their bodies on your righteous armor.
11/01/2018 11:52 AMPosted by Redheadchild

If you gear as a healer your mend pet gets insane on healing.

So mend pet benefits from +heal gear like any other healing spell would?
11/01/2018 11:39 AMPosted by Theloras
11/01/2018 11:35 AMPosted by Mordegast

Frost mages are the kings of farming.

But have serious downtime to eat/drink after each pull and if a single mob resists their freeze/slow they're fooked.

Whereas a Prot Paladin can AoE down an even bigger mob pack and end the fight at full hp/mana in the same time frame with reflective damage :P

Paladin AOE is awesome in general, but not sure anything can match proper frost mage AOE farming, because when done right literally nothing hits you (but when done wrong it's a wipe of course lol).
11/01/2018 08:45 AMPosted by Elack
11/01/2018 08:13 AMPosted by Spy
Though, to be honest, I don't know if there is a better "tanking" pet in vanilla

believe gorilla had an high threat aoe thunderstomp effect making it one of the better aoe pets, turtles had a 50% damage reduction making them better at tanking single targets or something.

Yeah the turtle is definitely compelling. The only complaint I've seen though is low dps/threat.
11/01/2018 02:38 PMPosted by Fyedora
11/01/2018 11:52 AMPosted by Redheadchild

If you gear as a healer your mend pet gets insane on healing.

So mend pet benefits from +heal gear like any other healing spell would?
yes, get enough and it heals like crazy, add Mana Regen and your golden (common healer gear stats)

A hunter soloed a world boss with having strong healer gear on a private server.
Also, you have to take your pet to its trainer, just like you take your hunter to your trainer.

I can't remember if that helps this situation.
paladins are the 2nd to worst solo leveling class in the game, hunter is the best , they dont stack up , they are not even playing the same game at some points
11/01/2018 09:09 PMPosted by Micro
paladins are the 2nd to worst solo leveling class in the game
not even remotely true, reckoning is phenomenal and once they get the tools they're great at aoe grinding, plus a free mount at 40. rogues are the 2nd worst class for leveling, but they're still head and shoulders above warriors. shaman/priest/pally are all mid tier, shaman is probably fastest of these 3 because of ghost wolf at 20, pally might even edge out priest because of the free mount.
11/01/2018 09:09 PMPosted by Micro
paladins are the 2nd to worst solo leveling class in the game, hunter is the best , they dont stack up , they are not even playing the same game at some points

Fake News bro - Prot Paladin AoE farming with reflective damage says hello