Hunter Visual Design: Consistent Miss

Please tell me, in detail, why you believe someone quoting an interview is “perversely disagreeing”. I’m looking forward to your repsonse.

Go ahead and please point out when I am telling someone their subjective opinion is wrong. The last time I disagreed with you was when you said the trading post weapon was a recolor, when you were operating under outdated and wrong information.

Again, disagreeing with you isn’t trolling. That’s just making sure you are up to date on information. Not sure why you take that so personally.

Did I make a false statement? Didn’t Ion say that sometimes life comes up?

Well, when people are wrong (you complaining about the gun being a recolor when that wasn’t the case) yes, I will make sure they’re aware of it. Or when people in this thread pretend the Hunter class trading post weapons is the only one that doesn’t match the set.

Again, people are just over exaggerating to complain. I like how you’re not calling that out or even acknowledging the context here, just so you can pretend to be superior to someone who disagrees with you.

Which was completely irrelevant to the discussion. :+1:

Oh really? A dozen people? Please let me know who, cause generally it’s the people who don’t approve of people who play SV.