Hunter traps and the things that should happen to them

yes cause ive never once mentioned when shaman were op at all ever or any other class for that matter and def dont have an eye for overall balance in all my 2000+ posts.

do you read or is that to hard for you?

And if you increase the CD on traps it also guts even further BM/Dual Wield Melee. We’ve had to add the trap into the rotation to fill the dead spaces because of the Raptor Strike CD nerf and Flanking/Mongoose not proc’ing.

So cringe to see some classes crying while they are still ok to be entangled in combat and want to run the shortest distance to finish AV

Smart warriors are rolling dfc trinket… for speed boost. Ez clap on hunters

and if thy are badly positioned chances are they just dodge or parry it anyways with their high dodge chance with all their agi

just be an unkillable paladin, problem solved, nerf paladins and hunter or dont nerf anything.

They already did something about traps. quit crying like a little baby.