Hunter Trading Post Set is so disappointing

I agree it feels like more of the same.

I hope with evokers joining the mail wearing club that we will get some sets that won’t just have dead animals all over it.

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I said they look like recolors with minor visual adjustments. Essentially, the Polearm and Bow are so similar to other polearms and bows, they are almost pointless.

The gun is an exact duplicate of Overclocked Hand Cannon. I just transmogged my weapon to it, so you can go look for yourself that it’s already in the game.

That and the fact that SV has been a melee spec for four expansions now. Where are the bomb themed sets?

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No it’s not?

The first image posted showed the Overclocked Hand Cannon.

www.wowhead. com/news/blizzard-previews-new-class-sets-coming-to-the-trading-post-september-through-334390

Sure, but that was incorrect and corrected within an hour or so. Remember, I am not disagreeing with you to troll, I’m just trying to make sure everyone is operating with up-to-date and correct information.

Btw, it’s not just us that dislike the Hunter stuff. Randomly watching some YT and every WoW content creator I’ve seen review the sets says something along the lines of “Well, Hunters aren’t going to be happy.”

One even joked about the ‘Hornstrider Warrior’s Camouflage’ name, saying “So their set is modeled after WoW’s version of an ostrich? Weird choice, but okay.”


it’s definitely a tauren / troll themed set. the problem is you cannot make a set that hits every single box of the hunter class fantasy. again, not trolling, just expressing the reality of it. not every set is going to be a military ranger

The weapons are subdued, but I don’t mind them as much as the armor just being atrocious. My other major point of contention is that the weapon set doesn’t match the armor set at all. Red and Silver bird themed armor, then we have what appears to be 7th Legion/Alliance weapons that never got used in BFA.

Remember: the armor comes in two tints.

It doesn’t look like any of the sets have matching armor and weapons.

I truly do not know where the inspiration for Hunter armor sets come from. They’ve been consistently terrible for a very very long time. There are perhaps two Tier sets our of thirty that look good.

So this surprises me not at all.

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If you take any stock in what Blizzard employees (past or present) post on Twitter, there are mostly two reasons for why we keep getting bad sets…

  • The graphics are too difficult to fit within the coding for all the different races. Clipping and stretching issues, which can be accomodated for, but the company doesn’t want to pay for the work to be done.
  • Or, more often than not, management rejects designs based on their own personal preferences without any consideration for what the player base wants.

Again, I have no firsthand knowledge of this, but enough confirmed Blizzard employees have tweeted on the subject to be credible.

The fact that the weapons are all the same colors is a major red flag. I also doubt that Hunter weapons will have any animations. The armor set looks more like a druid piece that a chicken, if i wanted to play boomie I would have swapped classes a long time ago.

100% agreed no arguments from me. Blizz really likes to enforce the whole “mail armor just looks terrible” and it is hard to see why. Like I genuinely wonder are the hunter sets designed last, is it something they just pass on to the interns and say “make whatever, I will approve it?” But yeah I think it looks awful just bloody awful.

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