Hunter Tracking as Spell?

Is there a way, any way, to use hunter tracking humanoids/beasts/etc other than using the minimap menu? Or a way to keybind it?

I’ve been doing some world pvp while leveling and I REALLY would like a way to turn tracking on and off faster than a drop down menu tab inside another drop down menu.

I tried OPIE, but the tracking in it seems to not be working either, getting a Lua error when attempting it. Same as the wago io import.

Am I the only hunter who’s hating minimap clicking? >.<

Have you tried /cast track humanoid (humanoids?)

Edit: found this macro. Can’t try myself atm sadly.

/run for i = 1, GetNumTrackingTypes() do local name, _, active = GetTrackingInfo(i) if name == “Track Humanoids” then return SetTracking(i, active == nil) end end

here’s a post with a pair of updated macros for TWW:

i believe the first macro will simply turn tracking on/off, while the second will do that and also print “[tracking] ON” or “[tracking] OFF” in the chat box

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