Hunter Tier Set Fixes

When are you going to acknowledge the fact that BM is set to do poorly against MM and SV in keys and that ignoring its poorly-designed set bonus and pretending the spec is good doesn’t actually help the spec?

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I just try to remain optimistic and let gameplay take over. I don’t want to think my class is bad even though I bottom dps keys. I never die and do mechanics right every time so I believe there is value in having players like that in a keystone .

Also I think a lot of people are downplaying having antlers and rylakstalkers equipped at the same time will do for us. Amazing synergy I think many will be surprised.

I disagree that the synergy will be sufficient, mostly because Rylakstalkers has no interaction with Antlers to magnify it. They’re both good legendaries, though the Antlers are really only for single and small cleave. The problem is that the tier bonuses are crap and they’ve managed to make two covenants a significant DPS loss to play.

Right now, you’re crushing keys. I can’t do those keys. But the problem is that for us as BM? We’re roughly at our peak right now. We’ll get a bit of a bump from the second legendary and another single-target bump from tier, but it’s just not going to be enough to keep us from being left in the dust.

We’re not going to start to suck, we’re just not going to keep up.

I’m thinking of running soulforge embers instead of rylakstalkers to compensate for AOE on fort week . Wouldn’t that work? And then have rylakstalkers equipped for tyrannical

It would work. Of course it would deal less damage, but you will just have to let gameplay take over. :man_shrugging:


I have to say, that this is probably the most sensible thing I’ve seen from you and you don’t even appear to be trolling.

And I agree. The player is just as important, and sometimes even more important, than the class. I’m an excellent addition to my casual group because of who I am and not just a BM Hunter.

That being said, the class has many issues that we need to address. Of course, some people cry the sky is falling but there have been many well thought out and detailed posts about Hunter weaknesses. Pet pathing issues have been a problem since forever. Tier sets that conflict with covenants……they created both and then don’t realize they are incompatible.

It’s good you are being optimistic about enjoying your class, but it is important to recognize people have legitimate concerns that may never get addressed, but the only chance they might be is by consistently bringing it up and discussing it.

Sometimes your attempts to be optimistic come across as dismissive to others that are rightfully frustrated


Soulforge Embers is cancerous gameplay.

It’s horrible.

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I smoked season one with soulforge check oyt my Warcraft logs

Thanks man I truly love BM hunter getting buffed or not I’m sticking to this class no matter what

You seem to take every criticism of BM personally…

In S1 SFE was viable and the majority of dedicated players used it. Many others chose the slightly inferior Rylaks because they hated the gameplay and the difference wasnt that big.
Right now SFE isnt viable anymore. Rylaks is scaling better.
Also, it is a misconception that SFE would gain value over Rylaks in AOE. The more targets that you have, the weaker SFE becomes compared to Rylaks. This makes it even less desirable in M+.

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Note the smoking part Enough consumed anyone will have boundless optimism. Unto the point where they are a burning wreck.
Obviously loving the Blizz Sunshine blown up his rear end.
Methinks he likes the way it makes his eyes glow.

Remember, his boundless optimism started after he made some objectively incorrect comments in a condescending manner, and was subsequently lambasted by players that knew better. Rather than simply admit he was wrong, he has been on a tear in these threads insisting BM is perfect just the way it is.

Really brings new meaning to the phrase “Methink doth protest too much”.


It seems like an oversimplification. I thought that, too. But judging from his record, he’s just an overly optimistic player. Heck, I know full-well he’s a better Hunter than I am by orders of magnitude.

Personally, I love playing BM, but that tier. I’m not happy with Night Fae. I’d have been less upset with having my tier leave me behind if playing Venthry hadn’t left me 10% behind that.

I don’t know your skill level, but I know his isn’t as great as he thinks. His raid parses average out to 50 - as opposed to someone like Bepples that averages at 62 with a lower item level by 5. His M+ record is filled with PUG groups and very few duplicates, which may indicate these groups aren’t interested in running multiple dungeons with him. Makes sense, since by his own admission he is the lowest DPS in those groups.

Normally I wouldn’t draw attention to these things, but I have an aversion to underskilled players that ride on the coattails of their betters to get carried to an inflated rating.

Noooo don’t post my current parse count. Early progression parses suck :smiley:

sorry boss, if you think anyone timing keys right now is getting carried through them your wrong . Every contribution and every player matters. It’s the only way to time a key. Also I have plenty of duplicate runs… look harder you’re lying in your post. Often times though, I time my key and move on with new groups and new players because just not every key you get can involve the same players. There are certain things you need for certain dungeons (convenants) so disbanding group is not uncommon (you don’t know what you’re talking about)

When I told you I bottom dps In keys I still put put 11.6k in my mists+19 key this week ( as a bm hunter) . I pumped 21k on ingrid. I know what I’m doing. Dps doesn’t matter to me. I’ll post a combat log for you to analyze one day I want you to take notice of all the tar traps, binding shots, and overall crowd control of mobs that I do. Which are all global cooldowns. The utility I provide to my groups is what makes me successful and helps everyone in the key perform at a high level. A level that you’re just not familiar with.

Knowing your interrupts, (I interrupt with my frost trap and my stun so I actually have 3 interrupts) knowing your positioning, knowing your role throughout the dungeon is vital to a keys success, and I do play my part . Dps isn’t everything in keys but that’s something I don’t think you’d know about !

Yeah I’m not sure why we are talking about parses as far as raid. I didn’t run normal i through myself in heroic in a pug group and learned the fights. I’m sure I’ll get better (my parses from SOD are without the antlers legendary)

Don’t compare me to Bepples who is a CE raider in probably a coordinated and organized guild. I’m sure if I played with an organized group my parses would go up in raid! I don’t care about Bepples ilvl - look at his trinkets. Then look at mine. I have zero on demand trinkets which im sure is affecting my parse. Another funny thing to point out is bepples cleared the raid on normal so he may of had an idea of what to do on heroic . I’ll take my 50 parse compared to a 62 parse from a CE raider. Good enough for me . I’m not a raider . FYI- Bepples is wearing a 2 set. Check out my gear . Love my parse even more now . Check back up on my parse in 2 months boss .

I love that I just completely torn apart your analysis of me. And I love even more you just can’t admit that I’m actually probably decent at this game :slight_smile:

Deep breaths, my man. You raise fair points. But I will refer you nevertheless to the topic of the thread. And I genuinely want to know: what Soulbind do you use? Because if you’re using Dreamweaver, you’re firing Multishot to keep his debuff up regardless of how long Beast Cleave lasts.

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Hey Artemis ! Lol I know I do this guy just constantly comes at me on forums .

Yeah I use dreamweaver, but I don’t constantly cast multi shot to keep it up. That’s so much focus. I do keep it up during my burst window, but honestly, I’ve got to the point where I know what my class is good at.

I typically focus on funneling the priority mob or the caster in the mob. Like I said - I have 3 interrupts. I can funnel a caster and completely interrupt him without my group ever touching the caster. This allows them to focus on other mobs. Since our set will largely be a single target set, I plan to put even more of an emphasis on that style of gameplay later in the expansion.

The single biggest thing you can to do perform better in keys as a bm hunter is learning how to multi dot and keeping barbed shot up on 4 maybe even 5 mobs at once. You want to cast 2 barbed shots at two different targets and then you want to hit beastial wrath and dot two different targets . This simple mechanic alone will see your dps skyrocket.

In addition, you should have a weak aura that tracks your frenzy stacks. You can’t let it hit 0. You need to do your best to keep 3 stacks of frenzy up at all times. If your tank is good and you’re in discord together, you can misdirect him and pull the next mob for him with a barbed shot so u immediatley rollinto the next mob with 3 stacks already up. It’s hectic gameplay but it is very effective . Keep this in mind during spiteful week- an extremely good week for bm hunters especially with binding shot ! When spitefuls come out most players think … omg run! Yes get away from them but hit them with a barbed shot and keep ur stacks at 3 and also refreshing ur beastial wrath for next mob. I’m not saying kill the spitefuls but you should definitely hit them while moving to the next mob with some barbed shots.

For instance, think of the First boss in SOA. You need to have barbed shot up on the bird and the boss at the same time - AT ALL TIMES! It helps trust me :slight_smile:

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