Butchery has more damage frontloaded, but by choosing it, it invalidates like 4 or 5 other talents that only affect Carve, not Butchery. And those talents are required to access better talents, one of the talents you get negatively impacted to choose Butchery for is Coordinated Assault - our main cooldown. So we essentially have to choose completely dead talents if we spec into Butchery, in order to access better talents.
This is likely just a problem with the text on the blog post. Anything that affects Carve or Butchery will affect both of them. The text on the tooltip will switch.
The only thing that sticks out to me is Serpentstalker’s Trickery is available, yet in order to access Explosive Shot, you have to spec into Serpent Sting, meaning if MM wants Explosive Shot, Serpentstalkers is useless to them. Perhaps add some interaction with Serpentstalkers if you spec into Serpent Sting? Like, if you spec into Serpent Sting, Serpentstalkers will fire a Sting at one additional target?
A change has already been made to no longer have Serpent Sting be the only path to Explosive Shot.