Sort of - Flayed Shot was baked into Marksman talents as a passive talent called Deathblow. And personally, I think it works better like that. Though I would’ve liked to see Lacerate return, just as Flayed Shot for Survival.
My thoughts, as per usual:
Class Tree:
I don’t like how far down Serpent Sting is. It’s level 52.
For a core rotational spell for Survival. Like, what even. I can understand it being that low for MM and BM, cause that’s been a talent for them, but Serpent Sting is a core spell for Survival - no core spell should be that far into the game. It’d be like giving Rapid Fire at level 52. I think locking core abilities in the second row is fine, but Serpent is in the third. Lol. Even moving it up one slot, so it’s in the second tier would be better, as that would dramatically lower that level 52 requirement to 34 minimum.
I’m not a fan of the pet based talents being locked behind either Scare Beast or Traps - In particular, in PvE, I find Scare Beast rather pointless, it is a very niche ability for CC due to the beast limitation. Likewise, the trap talent the pet talents are trapped behind is just a 5 second reduction on Tar/Freezing, which in PvE will be mostly unoticeable, except if Freezing Trap breaks, or in very few niche situations.
One other CC member was annoyed Scare Beast was locked behind improved Mend as they don’t want to spec into that.
So, suggestion: Move Scare Beast into its own slot, similar to Quick Load on the Marksman Tree - just off on its own. Putting it under Concussive Shot would make a lot of sense as well, as both effectively are a form of control.
This would mean the pet talents would be locked behind Improved Mend Pet - which BM and Survival should grab anyway.
Hi-Explosive Trap is a weird choice to pair with Intimidation, tbh. Like, why is it possible for all 3 specs to spec into both Intimidation and Scatter Shot? That’s a ridiculous amount of CC time in 1v1 PvP.
Agile Movement feels… weird. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just merge that with Trailblazer? Like, Rank 1 Trailblazer - Movement speed when you haven’t attacked increased by 15%, 3% if you have attacked, then double it in tier 2. So in essence, hunters would have 6% increased movement at all times, but 30% if you havent attacked in the time. Being able to spec into both talents means hunters will be even harder to chase down. Which may be great for PvP, but as a hunter main, I know that’ll just cause even more complaints. Also, like, why on earth is Agile Movement 6% movement speed for 3 talent points? What even.
Thank you for bringing back Latent Poison Injectors - it’s one of my favorite abilities (ironic since I hate tab targeting) but I know it’s hated - so having the option is nice.
Also thank you for Death Chakram - I was so sad I couldn’t use that in SL cause it’s my favorite of the hunter powers.
This is… not a choice. I know full well there are other CC members who disagree, but 99% of the time in PvE, Alpha Predator will win. In PvP, Killer Instinct would be good, yes, but if it’s mainly a PvP talent shouldn’t it, you know… be a PvP talent?
Class Trees:
Like usual, the spec trees look mostly balanced. There’s a few issues here and there, but I think testing them would be necessary before I consider them an issue. But thoughts on a few other things in the meantime:
Survival: Okay, I main Survival, and I love melee Survival - anyone who knows me on these forums knows this. That said I’m very disappointed you did not add an option to make Survival work as Ranged in these trees that are supposed to be all about options. ESPECIALLY since so much of the class tree is ranged focused.
With Explosive Shot in the class tree, there were plenty of options to make half the Survival Tree ranged focused and half melee focused (similar to how half of discipline’s tree is damage and half is healing, allowing the disc a choice), like turning Raptor Strike into Black Arrow for the ranged part, and when they meet in the middle, have Carve/Butchery turn into Multi Shot if you spec into Black Arrow, etc.
I understand changes like this aren’t likely to be pushed through before launch, but just an acknowledgment that you know players are interested in this and you’ll look into it would be appreciated.
This is another choice talent that… is a horrible thing to do - Butchery has more damage frontloaded, but by choosing it, it invalidates like 4 or 5 other talents that only affect Carve, not Butchery. And those talents are required to access better talents, one of the talents you get negatively impacted to choose Butchery for is Coordinated Assault - our main cooldown. So we essentially have to choose completely dead talents if we spec into Butchery, in order to access better talents.
Either allow the talents that only affect Carve currently to also affect Butchery (to a lesser degree to account for Butchery’s damage/area, so like, instead of 1 sec off wildfire bomb per target, maybe 0.5 seconds, etc.) or please remove this choice talent and have Butchery be an off-shoot of Carve.
That said - I do LOVE the new Coordinated Assault - one of the biggest gripes I’ve heard is that it was essentially just a long cooldown Bestial Wrath - the new one is unique and fits Survival. I also love that the spec is more about working together with your pet. I just wish it also interacted with Butchery.
Marksmanship: I love that you returned the Wind Arrows from the Artifact, that was honestly one of my favorite Marksman abilities we’ve ever had.
The only thing that sticks out to me is Serpentstalker’s Trickery is available, yet in order to access Explosive Shot, you have to spec into Serpent Sting, meaning if MM wants Explosive Shot, Serpentstalkers is useless to them. Perhaps add some interaction with Serpentstalkers if you spec into Serpent Sting? Like, if you spec into Serpent Sting, Serpentstalkers will fire a Sting at one additional target?
Beast Mastery: I’m probably alone on this, but I like that you brought back Dire Beast. It was one of the more fun skills we’ve had - though I do hope the talent will work with Glyphs that alter what it summons.
I don’t particularly notice anything big in the thread, but again, I think playing is necessary for some of it.
Final Thought:
To be completely honest? The new trees for Survival make me think it’s time to pull a Combat Rogue and rename the Spec to better fit the motif it now has. Something to emphasize the nature of melee and working with your pet - effectively making Rexxar make sense as this new spec, as you guys have essentially retconned him as Survival in both Legion and the fact he’s the background of the survival talent tree in DF.
It would also free up the name Survival, if you ever wish to bring back a ranged survival spec separate from the melee spec if the option talents don’t work.