Hunter Talents Dragonflight Preview

Here were my thoughts on hunter talents from another thread before the Hunter talents were released:

Aside from Wild Spirits not returning, none of these things actually happened. So naturally this makes me a bit sad, because I was obviously hoping to see these things in the tree.
I think overall, the class tree is pretty lackluster, but some of the MM choices in the Spec tree are really exciting.

As a caveat, I won’t talk about Survival because I have no experience with the spec, so I’m not sure how most of their abilities even work.

One thing I do really like in the Class tree is that it is really easy to move around while skipping some talents that don’t fit your current playstyle as much. Counter Shot is easily accessible, and utility talents like Misdirection, Binding Shot, etc.

The utility in the class tree is something we have seen commonly throughout the other released talent trees, but the bottom row of the class tree seems underwhelming to me. I like the kill command talents, and the interesting choice that exists there. The Chakaram’s and Explosive Shot feel kinda… meh.

But. The MM tree.

Wailing Arrow. Light/Heavy Ammo. Lots of Aimed Shot buffs. I really like the style of this.

But I have a big concern. It feels like there is going to be less “choice” for optimization in this tree because there will be 1 ruling playstyle with Aimed Shot. Many of the other spec trees have seen a few different possible spec identities, but the MM tree feels very 1 dimensional.