Hunter Survivability TWW Beta

puts your dps pot on cd tho so I happily use camo instead


??? god you guys really will settle for any kind of trash lol a super garbage invis skill with a bad CD just so you can MAYBE save a pot CD when people are almost never even doing that meta anymore…

wasting points on the skill tree for some absolute garbage in pve is always a feelsbad. honestly what’s wrong with you people settling all the time lol jeeze

My husband plays a rogue. I use camo all the time with him while questing or leveling. Beats fighting everything in my path.


Was just pointing out that using invis pot is objectively worse than camo no need for the hissy fit lol


Again, some of us PVP and we love the ability. I think its garbage that PVE people get to dictate class direction, and people like you don’t make it any better, but here we are. So its best to just suck it up and deal with the fact that your opinion isn’t the only one.


unlucky considering the pvp playerbase is a fraction of the pve one

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Blizzard poll disagrees.

Sure, as far as rated game play goes there are many more m+/raids run than arena games. But as far as subscriptions go (which is what Blizzard cares about), there are a huge number of people who pay in order to engage in unrated battlegrounds and world pvp as their end game experience.

Dude, you can literally not take it and put the talent point somewhere else. It’s mostly a pvp and over world ability to begin with. You have a point about the traps because they are never really used as traps, you typically throw them directly at your target they might as well just be targeted skills.

Bro such a small fraction of the playerbase uses the forums lmao that poll only got 11k votes

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Survival mastery is going to make it so strong in arena

Exactly, and they tend to be the crowd that does more end game activities. If just as many people from that group picked random battlegrounds as m+ then from the general population who generally doesn’t do any rated content, m+, or raids you can expect that percentage to be higher.

Why would it?

The defensive component doesn’t scale. So you just end up with Versatility-but-without-defensive-scaling.

The free 6% DR is a hell of a boon, yes, but that’s nothing to do with the stat itself.

  • And since now half of your Versatility-but-without-defensive-scaling’s contribution along with the base 6% mit both depend on your having an active pet, the strat for dealing with SVs is that bit more likely to become increasingly annoying to the SV — Mortal Wound and nuke the pet, then deal with the Hunter who is now doubly neutered.

Perma uptime Dstance with 0 downsides + some sort of soul link from sentinel or whatever M+ decreed semi immortality the BM tree gives is completely disgusting and toxic design. Pretty much every instance of passive permanent damage reduction or healing was rightfully nerfed from SL-DF.
And they didnt even make it so you lose the buff instantly if pet goes farther or is ccd so you can’t kite or outplay the buff in any way.
Also in addition to all the defensive creep you can have every trap + binding + scatter now meaning all 4 shackles activators. So SV can easily have high uptime 16% flat damage reduction while doing full damage. Shadowlands Dstance was super toxic and it was nerfed several times including in this expac and you actually had a damage debuff with that.
Imagine being outplayed because a pet was within 25 yards of someone, lol pre-pet the go gg

Survival will just run mastery and verse why wouldnt it, lots of passive defense. They are already top tier in 2s. 6% DR on top of all the verse and new defensive buffs is huge.

Survival will run Mastery if it gives more damage than Haste or Crit and enough damage over Versatility to be worth the lost mitigation, just as with Haste and Crit.

Running more than 0 Mastery does not give any more DR than running 0 Mastery. The DR is affected by one’s Mastery stat; it’s just a separate buff that it likewise doubled with proximity to one’s pet.

At 0 Mastery, it’s 3.00% DR. At 7k Mastery, it’s still 3.00% DR.


Source on this? Sounds like complete bs to me lol

Ah okay, thanks for explaining it. :slight_smile:

Why not just ask for adjustments to the PVP specific talents then? Make those better, offer more, etc.

Because we don’t ‘need’ adjustments to the pvp side of things in regards to certain abilities.

Just as Ion alluded to I can’t wait for the “disarmament” of DR’s for all classes. I want more of the power shifted back into the healers.