Hunter Survivability TWW Beta

Survival of the fittest 2x 30% DR on 1 min CD and if you take pack leader that also comes with 20% HP heal.

Exhilarate heals 30% + 20% over 8 seconds HP on a 1-2 min Cd.

Turtle on 2.5 min CD

8% HP 6% avoidance passive.
EDIT: and for survival 3-6 passive DR as well!

And a choice between 10% leech or an additional 5% HP plus 2 min Bear health increase.

As survival hunter, this looks incredible! I hope that this doesn’t change because this will be a huge help for surviving in PvP and high keys


You forgot the 3% or 6% mastery damage reduction =)

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Absolutely! I mainly play survival but I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make this post about all hunters or not lol. Survival is looking beefy and I hope this increases the specs player base.


I think it still suffers from lacking really any PVE oriented utility. Especially vs their ranged counterparts, which in turns means it’ll be based on whether they’re tuned to be bottom of the barrel (bottom 5) dps like they usually are, or at least middle of the pack.


That’s true. Maybe binding shot can get back its unique unbreakable root mechanic.

Currently the hunter utility package is basically:

  • Turtle for niche mechanic soaks
  • Hunters mark (lol)
  • Bloodlust
  • Misdirection for easier tank threat

Is that it?

I miss the days when hunter pets could bring different stat raid buffs


it does seem better overall. it’s sort of the only thing I’m pretty content with so far with the changes. MM still has a lot of things to address to bring it up to warlock & mage levels of desirability though…

  • scare beast still sucks and is way too niche.

  • no way to mass dispel/de-rage kinda sucks. 5s CD on ONLY removing rage is whatever, and dispelling 2 magic effects is almost never relevant as far as I can remember.

  • petless intimidation is a nice new pickup and is basically a REQUIRED 2 point pickup in M+ but still nice.

  • binding shot having 1 extra second while already being a VERY situational stun is awful garbage for 2 points. binding shot SHOULD be a much larger area and pull mobs together like how DH’s can do it. no stun but should pull them together and immobilize for a second so you can group things for your own multishot/volley/etc. (thatd be USEFUL utility and worth 2 points)

  • traps still suck and probably always will as ground target jank effects… they need to be reworked or just go tbh.

  • camo is AWFUL and so situational… i pretty much only use it when I have to do a runback or something. its just awful. 2 points for that as well jeeze.

  • misdirection extra point is like never relevant??? especially for petless… what is this node?

Anyway yeah relevant strong utility aint there at all. you have intimidate on a 1min CD, and counter shot on a 24s CD (22 with talent) with situational binding shot. this is… not great? I guess you can maybe take scatter shot too? unsure but this doesn’t seem like enough still in M+? forgot about scatter shot and not sure how good it actually is as an incapacitate? maybe somebody else knows.

MAYBE if you factor in a wailing arrow every 20 wind arrows this is enough single target lockdown but jeeze… idk. MAYBE that’s enough it just seems not amazing (happy to be proven wrong)

Rotation still seems kinda meh. AoE REQUIRING multishot hitting 3 target still sucks. Chimaera shot still seems meh. volley seems kinda meh still but is the only way to get proper 2 target cleave (every 45s… with no tier set to extend anymore). idk… destrolock is good ST, good 2target and good in big pulls. mage is also just kinda always good lol

Maybe I’m just DOOMING but it looks way too similar to live gameplay to me still.

hunters mark is DEF laughable and needs to function for execute phase too.

lust is hilariously terrible compared to other classes since you have to summon a pet and give up pet utility for it. it’s the worst lust in the game.

misdirection is trash design and should just have what that trickster node was where you just put it on a target and dont have to recast and manually hit it every pull you want to trueshot etc (I rip aggro constantly if I don’t hit it every big pull… >.>)

but yeah you’re right, pve utility is pretty lackluster looking though intimidate is a nice include for MM now but I really doubt it’s enough when we’re being compared to other ranged dps. Mage and Warlock are the bar and we’re way below it.


Speak for yourself

Not by much, though.

Make Binding Shot a combo of Sigil of Chains and Spear of Bastion (can’t leave the radius after) and up the damage break threshold for Steel Trap on non-players and we’d be pretty damn solid, especially since the first would allow us a uninvasive knock-up via HET against bound targets.

If I were permitted to go ham, though, I’d also separate Lust from Ferocity, replacing it with a brief and potent Leech buff, add a short movement speed buff to Master’s Call (a la Blessing of Freedom), add a partial Intervene effect to Fortitude of the Bear up to some transferred damage cap, and try to make the passives for Cunning and Tenacity more competitive, even if that meant tuning back our passive max HP buffs a tiny bit in turn.

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I am literally speaking from my experience in PvE lol I’m sure it’s relevant in PvP but I can’t think of a single time in all of dragonflight where I’d be dispelling 2 magic effects at the same time aside from… maybe the haste buff guys in Uldaman??? though I’m not even sure that’s the case???

as far as PvE is concerned though it seems like a garbage talent literally nobody will take unless there’s multidispel cases they’ve decided to put in which would be brutal to deal with for classes who can’t deal with that.

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Hard disagree with these two points.


I’m only ever coming from a PvE perspective so…

when are you actively using camo in PvE content? to skip packs? theres pots for that if you must but almost nobody needed those through DF soo… where and when is camo actually good? it also doesnt start the CD until you exit right? so thats extra bad lol

traps get stuck on terrain and stuff all the time and can hit stuff thats near your itnended target pretty easily… this is a very very very common complaint in PvE for an absolute ton of hunters so while you might disagree it’s clearly the case objectively through player experience. I’d be fine with them finding a way for them to be less awful and keeping them but they’re pretty bad dude

As long as we can handle raid rot damage I’ll be happier. Nothing worse than popping your heal and seeing another wave of rot damage come your way, and just having to eat it for a while hoping a raid heal bounces your way eventually.

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Why should I make comments only for your preferred game mode? In mine camo is awesome with out being a copy pasta of rogues and traps do have issues but it’s not with landing them.

These are both avoidable issues.

For me, the biggest issue that they can be intercepted by enemies immune to them, especially when those immune enemies (such as bosses) have obese hitboxes or ones for whatever reason larger than their inter-mob collision boxes. Like, if it can’t affect them, have it not actuate on them either. We’re utterly screwed when needing to Trap a ghost that spawns under any boss.

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puts your dps pot on cd tho so I happily use camo instead


??? god you guys really will settle for any kind of trash lol a super garbage invis skill with a bad CD just so you can MAYBE save a pot CD when people are almost never even doing that meta anymore…

wasting points on the skill tree for some absolute garbage in pve is always a feelsbad. honestly what’s wrong with you people settling all the time lol jeeze

My husband plays a rogue. I use camo all the time with him while questing or leveling. Beats fighting everything in my path.


Was just pointing out that using invis pot is objectively worse than camo no need for the hissy fit lol


Again, some of us PVP and we love the ability. I think its garbage that PVE people get to dictate class direction, and people like you don’t make it any better, but here we are. So its best to just suck it up and deal with the fact that your opinion isn’t the only one.