Hunter Summon Pet 2 Error

I have a Beast Master Hunter with the ability to summon two pets. I had two and decided to summon a third, so I put my original pet in the stables. I summoned a third pet, but the game will not allow me to summon my 2nd and 3rd tamed pet. It is making me use my first one. I get an error telling me I need to dismiss my pet if I try and summon tamed pet 2 and tamed pet 3.

I am playing Current (not classic) WoW, but without the BFA expansion.

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Your main pet is the one you summon. Your 2nd pet is in the first slot of your Stables. So to summon Pet 2 & 3, Pet 2 has to be your main pet, and Pet 3 has to be in the first slot of the stables.

The pets you see in your “Call” drop down are active pets only. To dismiss one, you right click on the portrait of the active pet and use “Dismiss” (careful not to choose abandon). You can then summon another pet from your list of active pets via “Call”.

Hope that helps.

Edit to clarify: The talent allows a second pet to appear… you can’t actually summon and dismiss it like you can an active pet. It only shows up when you have an active pet summoned (from your Call list), and only if you have a pet in your stable (first pet listed is the one it uses).


Ah, I got it! I was reading the, “Active,” slots as being the creatures I would summon. Now I have it working the way I want. Thank you very much!!


Im having issues summoning 2 pets. I have one summoned and it says i have to dismiss it before i can summon another (Beast Mastery specialization). I tried to remove all the pets and then did what was suggested. Still shows that i cannot summon 2 pets.

The Beastmaster talent Animal Companion doesn’t allow you to summon two distinct pets. It provides a copy of the first pet in your stables as a bonus minimally-controllable extra pet. You still only summon one pet out of the number (up to five) you normally have available.

“…additionally summons the first pet from your stable.”

In fact, there is no Hunter skill that allows you to summon two full-fledged combat pets.

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Summoning my second pet doesnt even bring another pet out, and I only have 2 active pets registered. Seems like a bug

Did you select the correct talent as Beast Master hunter, and have a pet stabled for it to bring out?