Hunter state blue post 22/4/2024 language explained


We received this response yesterday:

While the first part (regarding general changes, not hero-talent-related) may sound like “Right now we don’t have any changes, but we have some planned for later”, this is not the meaning of the phrase at this time in corporate language. It rather means “in the foreseeable future”

Quote from the article above:

In order to obfuscate or distract from unpleasant or unwanted news, filler such as the phrase "at this time" or overly complicated grammatical constructions – e.g. usage of the present progressive – is frequently used at the beginning of a sentence despite its clear redundancy. Examples include "At this time, we have decided we are not going to move forward with your application" when "We have decided not to move forward with your application" would suffice.

  • “at this time”: check
  • overly complicated constructions: “specific”, “to announce”: check

So, essentially, the translation of While we don’t have any specific Hunter changes to announce at this time to English would be:

“There aren’t any Hunter changes planned right now”

Then, the second part about the hunter hero talent trees is similar, talking about cleaning up, some revisions in a future build, with the usual added distractions such as fixing issues as they arise.

The English translation of the above would be:

“We are going to address the most problematic talents in all 3 hero talent trees.”

So there we have it, the full answer is:

“Thank you for your feedback. There aren’t any Hunter changes planned right now. We are going to address the most problematic talents in all 3 hero talent trees.”

While I do understand why vague language is used, I think some more honest and straightforward communication would be quite welcome by the player community:

  • are you happy with the state of hunter class design?
  • are you happy with talent and build diversity?
  • do you plan any hunter changes for TWW, other than the addition of the 3 mandatory hero talent trees?

Thank you