The stables are all messed up for hunters, I am unable to move any of my pets around in the stable and I can’t put pets in the stable. It states the slots are locked when you try to move anything.
Just had the same happen. Returned to Dalaran from Ungoro after taming 2 new pets and couldn’t put the 2 new or 2 old in stable. I was able to take another pet from stable and put in my last pet slot, but couldn’t return him to stable afterward.
Same issue here not able to stable any pets or move them out. States “That slot is locked” on all open slots.
Same thing is happening with my hunter. I couldn’t move my newly caught pet to any open slots. I could move from the stable to my active pets, but couldn’t move them back. now my active slots are full. I can’t move any pets around in the stable either. I tried stables in Uldum and Dalaran. Logging out and back in didn’t help either. I only have 6 pets in my stable and 5 in my active slots.
This problem started immediately following the update yesterday. You can shuffle a pet around your slots, but you can’t use the stable in any way. “this slot is locked” error.
I am playing Cata classic and for some odd reason it is not letting me switch pets at any stable master saying that the slot is locked. However, i am level 83 and have all 5 slots unlocked and it even says it when im trying to put pets inside the stable.
Same here when i tried on my hunter
Same issue. Very frustrating since I have 5 pets currently and can’t tame any new ones. I put in a ticket in-game but didn’t get a response. First time placing a ticket so wasn’t sure if they respond to you or just read the ticket and fix the bug.
Yeah both me and my guild mate are having the same issue
I just ran into that same error. “That slot is locked” on all empty slots.
I had the same error. “That slot is locked” message for all stable slots.
I’m also experiencing this problem on all hunters. Trying to put a pet in the stable gives me the message “That slot is locked.” to every slot.
Issue still persists after the update this morning.
Stables have been broken since the update on TUESDAY!! How hard can it be to fix this?
Stables remain broken - can’t put any of my existing pets into a stable slot. Still saying that every free spot is “locked.” This is a pretty important bug…hopefully something they can correct quickly.
I just tried to stable a pet after the Thursday maint. and this is still a problem. I cannot move any of my active pets to the stable, get message “this slot is locked” even with ALL addons disabled.
The problem reported 2 days ago in post (Hunter Stable Mater slots locked) has gotten worse.
Originally you couldn’t put pets into a stable slot but you could take them out of the stable and put them into an active pet slot. Now active pet slots are giving the ‘locked’ message as well.
Adding my report to this as well. Can’t remove or add pets to the stable, or to my call pet slots. Level 85 human hunter on Pagle, cata classic. I’m stuck with the two pets I had with me when I logged out before Tuesday’s update, I haven’t tried taming anything new
I merged this into the original thread just to make it easier for me to keep track of replies. I do want to confirm that this is in progress and we’ll get it up and running again ASAP.
(Besides, I main a hunter myself, so believe me, I understand.)