I vote an art update and recolour of T2 Dragonstalker from Vanilla.
Spikey rocks go bzzbzzz.
I like my spikey rocks.
I’ll mog over the spikey rocks… Or really any of the 3 sets so I don’t really care which wins…
I hope for tww and especially midnight we get some great hunter mogs. Would be cool if everyone was envious of our mog, like how pallies were drolling over the s2 priest mog. Sadly, I doubt that will ever happen.
Yes, the concept of the hunter tier set ALWAYS revolves around something that the hunter is using as a trophy, but it would be so much cooler if the hunter is mimicking an animal or more furtive ones.
Can we have the Emerald Dream Armor Set as a option? It actually captured the look of a hunter in a fantasy world. Also let my beard show it bee my favorite set.
I have so many hunter mogs saved, I have to delete one when I make a new one. Did you ever think that you just aren’t creative enough?
can u make a tier set that doesnt look like walking would scare all the game off
Here’s the thing: Blizzard has missed what hunters should be…again. There should be 3 sets of tier for the class. While we’re at it the class and specializations desperately need a rework.
For example, the camoflage talent always seemed out of place in any build. 1 spec for the hunter could be a stalking spec which would make that tallent much more relevant and after some changes to it, more useful. The other 2 specs could be something along the lines of combat hunter (think archers) and a magic class that imbues arrows with magic and elements.
Give each their own class ability inspired tier set and distinct roles. By that i don’t mean Beastmaster vs Marksman vs Survival. Yes they’re sorta distinct but still bland. Spice it up and specialize.
Well, Hunters are more than just trophies. Much like Rogue armor with vials of poison, I would expect to see more tools of the trade. Sets with traps, bullet belts, more quivers, etc would be nice to see.
Engineering seems to be the most common tradeskill for Hunters, so why not some overlap there? In fact, the Wastewander Tracker’s Kit transmog from the Trading Post is probably the best Hunter set I’ve seen in a long time.
I’ve seen several fan designed armor sets over the years that look amazing. Yet Blizzard can’t seem to do anything right for Hunter sets.
How on earth is S1 winning lmao it looks horrendous? S3 elite red/black tint is one of the best mail sets for hunters period
I can make some fine hunter mogs, but is it really a bad thing to want a tier set that actually looks good? The majority of hunters seem to agree that out of the tier list, hunters are usually holding down last place constantly. I just want to be excited about a hunter set like I was for the s2 priest set or the s3 mage set.
I like S1 over S2 or S3.
Season 1?!?!?!? WTF ?!?!?!?! it looks like crud. and oversized flaming turkey hawk thing
Anyone know if they’ll have new colors? Or just the same stuff? If it’s the same, then this is all pointless for many of us that collected all the variants the first time around.
If it is new colors, why not just make it so if you loot an item, you get that color variant of all three seasons? I mean, if you’re going to cheap out and reuse appearances, at least spend a little and do them all.
The whole point of fated was to repackage same three raids, and act like it’s new content. Really expecting Blizzard to take more effort than to just give a old set a paint job?
Wild that season 2 transmog is losing to season 1. Season 1 just looks like rocks and cloth you guys aren’t shamans lol
Season 1 looks like the leftovers from someone’s chicken dinner.
People have to be memeing
But even if they aren’t, not like I’d actually wear any of them. Just will mog over them all the same.
Hoping the world soul saga lets us look great for once.
I wish we could use old set like the tier set in Fireland Cataclysm.