Hunter scopes

Do the +damage scopes add weapon damage, dps, or something else? How do they function?

I’m fairly certain it adds the +dmg from the scope to the damage range of the weapon.


This is what I always assumed but now I’m not so sure.

It adds +(number) to both the minimum and maximum of your weapon. Always use a deadly scope. Hunters never need the +hit that Biznik’s provides, you can easily cap with tier gear.

Also, scopes ONLY affect a ranged weapon. Biznik’s will never give +hit to melee hits

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I don’t doubt you but do you happen to have a source for that? I’ve been trying to find info on this without having to just test it myself lol.

Edit: Ok so I went and tested this, +damage from scopes on weapons simply adds that damage to end amount you do, so +7 damage will make your auto shots do 7 more damage, aimed shots do 7 more damage, multishot do 7 more damage. If it was adding to weapon damage it should scale differently I’m pretty sure.

There are +damage items for melee weapons and shields.

  • spikes for shields
  • sharpening stones for edged weapons
  • (something?) for blunt weapons like maces

Is there anything for wands?

Weight stones are for blunt weapons (I don’t think you can use them on staves)

There are no modifiers for wands, which is why they have such high DPS on their own

sure I can hit cap with gear but I have to drop about 100 ap to do it… the +7 scope will not cover that.

as I get more gear (currently 5/8 t1, 1/8 t2) I will eventually be able to make the switch without any loss at all. currently the hit pieces I do not have are t1 shoulders and ony pendant. and even then to get that last 1% I would have to swap a crit ring for a hit ring or a flat AP trinket for hit/ap one.

U can cap hit in T1 if u choose to wear 8/8 T2 u will need bizniks due to less hit on the gear. Other options would try to get band of Acurria and dragon fang talisman and I believe ZG will help as well.

Yeah, at the moment, a hunter with full T2 is going to need Accuria, DFT-and good luck on those.

+3 hit scope is pretty necessary unless a hunter has lucked out and gotten both of those.

Hit scope is worth roughly 3 times the amount in equivalent AP versus a sniper scope. It’s far better than the sniper scope.

Nope. Though, as elemental damage they do benefit from debuffs on bosses and talents that specifically buff damage of that element.

Reroll troll, G

Nope. The drawback for wands is that there isn’t anything analagous to attack (from STR, AGI, or +atk) that increases wand damage and there aren’t any consumables or enchants that increase damage. The upside is that wands aren’t mitigated by armor.

I assume that wands are affected by things like +shadow and +fire on cloth armor. Different wands do different kinds of damage: I have seen arcane, shadow, fire, and frost wands.

No, wands are not affected by any +spellpower, whether it be “all” spellpower or a specific school. +spellpower only affects casted spells, and wands are not a casted spell, they are a reaged weapon that does magic damage instead of physical like bows.

Well, it’s good to know the right information. Thanks!

But I’m still a sa-a-a-a-d panda…