Hunter questions

Ok since I have you guys can I ask about Covenants and conduits. I love Venthyr and Necrolord thematically, for what I plan on doing am I ok going with either of those or should I go with Kyrian/NF for better DPS and therefore easier WQ/Questing/Dungeons etc?

Hmm. Kyrian is great for AoE actually, and lines up really nicely with the BM cool downs. So it’d help you out on that front.

I know that Venthyr is fantastic for PvP, but you aren’t interested in that.

Necrolords is mostly useful for the focus management, which BM doesn’t have an issue with.

Night Fae is the heaviest hitter, but it’s got a 2-minute CD (compare to the 1-minute CD for Kyrian).

If you plan to solo most of the time, you’d be perfectly fine with any covenant. But if you want to kill stuff significantly faster, then yes, go with Kyrian/Night Fae.

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So, it depends I suppose. If you want to optimize your DPS, I’d go Kyrian as in a few weeks it should be better than NF for pure dps. Additionally, Kyiran’s soulbinds like Kleia or Forgelite also offer either some strong healing benefits (keeping you alive in intense soloing encounters) or boosting you with small shields which fill a similar role.

Necrolord provides fleshcraft but can be a bit awkward to make use of mid fight. The giant shield is super helpful though for letting your leech pick your health back up.

Realistically, you can use any covenant for the more intense content. Overall, I’d recommend Kyrian for you though. Kyrian is good for just general PVE, it’s good for PVP, and the unique soulbind conduits it offers can offer you multiple ways to stave off death from ambient sources of damage.

Edit: As an aside, being able to just kill your target faster is generally the best way to down even the most difficult of challenges. Only the most intense challenges will likely require you to have extra methods to avoid death. Currently, I’m Venthyr for pvp reasons though I’m still able to solo current dungeons without issue.

NF for BM and MM
Kyrian if MM is all you want to play.

Ok, ty… and WOW, amazing MOG.

Im going to assume from your first post that you are not going to be pushing keys past 15 (not a put down, I don’t either). If that is the case, I would skew to BM. For Tyrannical the higher single target is great, and with the new Antlers lego, you have a great burst option (for Night Fae), and great AoE on the type of pulls you will see at 15 and under keys. Heck, in a busted pull, you can even turn on Growl, mis-direct, pet mend, and potentially save the wipe. note, I love playing BM, so there’s that…

My tongue-in-cheek way of telling the two specs:


Hi. I play MM, always have. Me and my Pet, is how I play. My Pet fetches the mobs and holds their attention, and I kill them, whilst keeping my Pet healthy. BM does the same thing, in some situations maybe better.
You won’t see me do it much, but I can play MM w/o my Pet. (successfully) BM, not likely.
In group content, I don’t need my Pet so much, as the Tank and Healer have that end covered. If I’m not specifically using my Pet, in a group, it’s probably best I keep my Pet put up, less confusion, a little more DPS.
This is a MM only thing, I think.
Edit: The Covenant abilities? With the Kyrian and Night Fae abilities, it’s fairly easy to pull the entire surrounding countryside down upon you.

MM has shorter CDs that are more in-tune with dungeon pulls. Volley is one of the best examples of this.

The choice of which to play comes down to this:

  • Do you want longer casts with a BIG BOOM attached to it? Play MM.
  • Do you want infinite mobility with no casts and steady damage? Play BM.

I choose BM because I like the mobility. The damage comes second to that. If you just want to do damage and avoid fire easily, play BM. :heart:

You can play any spec in a +10 and be fine. Any spec. Any class. You’ll be fine. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Venthyr is only like ~3% behind the top covenant right now. Definitely playable.

Also, you don’t need to worry about min-maxing dps unless you’re pushing top content. If you’re only running some +10s and pugging heroic raids, it really doesn’t matter which covenant you are as long as you’re having fun! :heart:

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I’ve been necrolord bm from day 1 and I love it. Granted I don’t do much other than random bgs. I tried nf for a bit but I just can’t get into it thematically. I like necro zone layout better that the others. The mog gear. The lore of them being the protectors of shadowlands. Casting fleshcraft on the move with emeni feels good and eventhough Chakram is weak overall it can be some nasty single target damage if you catch the target alone.

Second thoughts? Myself, I’m wondering how things have turned out for the OP.
So, Cbase, MM or BM? And what Covenant have you decided on?

Sorry, wrong post!