I’ve experienced it but felt like I was getting hit by wet noodles. Drain life does nothing when i sprint out of range and succubus is just a mosquito in comparison.
I need to use eyes of the beast more.
Hunter being loaded into the pilot seat of his pet like a Gundam.
“I am the only one who’s earned this right in the entire universe! I alone have the right to judge all of humanity!” - Little Billy, lvl 25 Hunter
“This is a world where people have hatred in their hearts… where fingers have no purpose but to pull triggers” -thegoodkitty Level 25 prowler.
How does bestial wrath function in classic then, because thats what we were talking about?

You cannot use this as an argument for a 25 cap when no one is able to use it.
I was simply pointing out why hunter pets in general are considered toxic in classic. 1st, they function (almost) automatically on high perfomance and 2nd once bestial wrath is there (thats in 1-8weeks), the ability of counterplay against the pet gets greatly reduced.
by the hunters logic my crusader strike should do 1.5k crit at level 25, because I choose to spec into retribution talents
nerf hunter pets, even though i do see hunters die a ton in open pvp
Yes, it is a thing whenever the cap gets raised, but it’s not a thing right now, and no one knows how things will change with new runes. Wait and see how it all works before saying it’s broken and needs balancing.
Can mages please get a build that costs all of their runes and talents and is specifically designed to kill and grief hunters without any skill or effort? Because that is the definition of playing a BM hunter right now and if it’s good enough for them they can’t possibly deny it to someone else.
Why can’t warlocks get instant cast 41 yard fear that reliably lasts for 21 seconds, BUT OH MY GOSH THEY SPEND TALENTS AND RUNES FOR IT, THE HORROR, THE UNSPEAKABLE HORROR.
No really you mean in order to deal damage you put both shoes on the correct feet today AND you used talent points??!! I’m starting to understand why hunter trainers give out a sucker and a gold star whenever the hunter comes back 2 levels higher.
Priest with 100 shadow damage and 700 hp. LOL
People forget that spell damage on a caster is a luxury and not a privilege, before BFD(classic) you could easily get to level 60 without seeing any spell power gear(besides the poorly itemized zero stat gear that meant you had no mana or health and died in 2 hits literally).

mage’s hardest hitting ability, arcane surge, hits for 330, has a 2min cd, and drains their entire mana pool
Meanwhile how many non-mages, have a blue mana bar that never seems to go down.

Can mages please get a build that costs all of their runes and talents and is specifically designed to kill and grief hunters without any skill or effort? Because that is the definition of playing a BM hunter right now and if it’s good enough for them they can’t possibly deny it to someone else.
You already have it and it requires no talents or runes.
Poly the pet, rank 1 frost bolt the hunter, run at him and frost nova. Sit in deadzone and make hunter dead. Ez win.
Ehhhh that has nothing to do with SoD levels of cheese, it was always that in classic, I’m talking hunter pet levels of filth and grease. TY and Merry Christmas.
I love that guys suggestion cause hunters right now are insane but ya their scaling sucks in end game would be nice if the dev team actually balanced classic the way it never got but should have without expansions doing all that work