Hunter pets not holding aggro - Warlock pets fixed 9/14

Further evidence of issues with hunter pet aggro: NPC's targeting me and not my pets when casting spells

Also cross referencing this with another bug report thread posted specifically regarding growl: Pets growl not working


This makes doing ANY quests with elites, rares etc incredibly challenging on both my warlock and hunter. These mobs are making a beeline DIRECTLY for me and bypassing my pet the moment I start slinging attacks. Im even manually taunting on my pet now and its still not working.

This and pet pathing in general are so broken this xpac, this is insane to me.


Yeah I’m having the same problem. I personally really like affliction but since I have very little burst it makes killing things without my pet being able to aggro very hard. I’ve sadly just given up on my warlock and hunter for now and just switched over to leveling my Druid. Hope they get this fixed soon


Yessssss. Still having issues with this and with npcs immediately targeting me every 2 seconds to cast a spell, and then back to my pet. I’m having to pop cooldowns for trash mobs of just 2-3 npcs. Please fix this Blizz! BM feels so bad now


Yup, put me down for these issues as well, with both hunter & warlock pets. Pets are crap right now at holding aggro.

Having this issue as well. It’s not fun tanking elites because my Felguard can’t hold aggro. Something is majorly broken.

Still no changes to this issue, continuing to both experience it and see others report the same problems.


Checking back in on this issue. It’s still happening and it makes it almost impossible to solo certain delves because the Felguard cannot hold aggro. I rip aggro in the first 20 seconds of the fight and just insta-die because the boss 1 shots me.

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Same issue here : / makes doing Delves nearly impossible

This issue has been a PITA. I throw on my three DOTs and boom… one Malefic Rupture and the mobs are eating my undead face off on my lock.

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Oddly enough my survival hunter gets aggro less than my BM

Pet classes are having massive issues with outdoor content, delves etc because of these threat issues. This needs to be fixed, this is crazy this hasnt been addressed.

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BM Hunter here and I am having the same problem. I open every fight with Misdirect to my pet, and get 1 Barrage and 3 multi-shots in during the MD, and still that isn’t enough to hold aggro even against mend pets and the additional occasional multi. Sometimes I’ll steal aggro off my pet while I have Misdirection active. That is insane!

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Fix pet aggro and pathing. This is WILD that this stuff made it onto live despite so much feedback.

Its crazy to me that in the space of less than 2 xpacs I went from barely checking the forums to almost daily checking to see if the new bug Ive run into is new, or hotfixed in, or has a solution etc. EVERY time I play I encounter a new bug now (pet aggro, bank items missing, quests cant be completed, bosses not dropping loot, falling through the world, getting stuck on flight paths, dcing during dragonriding, animation bugs for mounts/armor, outdoor content disappearing or phasing weird etc). This isnt normal and it SHOULDNT BE.

Can confirm pet aggro is busted, at least as affliction my voidwalker can barely hold aggro off some light dots. Makes it very tough to solo compared to what it’s supposed to be like.

Also can confirm. Trying to do a tier 8 delve with 597 ilvl as Demo Lock. Pet can’t hold agro on any mobs, especially elites. After about 5 seconds of combat everything will start attacking me and my pet has no agro.

Having this issue on my hunter, misdirection to pet and everything still comes at me.

My warlock’s pet gets 2 shot by basically everything so can’t confirm or deny whether it can hold aggro past the first 2 hits of a mob.

Mostly having this issue in t7 & t8 delves

This is from the hotfix notes today:

Increased the threat generation of voidwalkers’ and felguards’ Threatening Presence.

Still no help for hunters, though, which is incredibly disappointing.


Can confirm this is fixed for Warlocks, but Blizz, PLEASE fix this for our hunter brethren. They deserve to have functional pets too!

just ran into this tonight so can say still not working. I even pull aggro off my pet while MD is up…that doesn’t even make sense. If the pet has “100% of aggro” generation how am I still pulling aggro off?