Hunter Pet Taunts

You know you can cast misdirect onto your pet, right?

Send pet to attack.
Wait until about 2k threat then go with steady shots.
When you pull agro you immediately feign.
Pet now has a good threat lead and you can finish them off.

Now here’s the trick. Send the pet off to the next target while you loot. So by the time you get to the next mob your pet has done some work. And then you just keep leap frogging like this.

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all you gotta do is keep serpent sting up and auto shot and every so often mulitshot, hunter leveling is almost a brainless as mage
but nothing NOTHING is as brainless as a mage player

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Idk I pull 15 mobs to quest.

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I have them and it doesn’t mater, by the third shot the mob is on me. But I’ve just gotten used to it. Its shot shot shot, queue raptor strike, and wing clip, arcane shot, mob dead repeat

Nobody likes you.


Nothing hurts more than the truth.


If the pet is always low on focus it won’t use growl very often and generate less threat making it easier to pull off. One of the reasons I always use a bite for solo and save the scratching and clawing for groups

Yeah. My pet never lost threat in original TBC. I expected it in Classic but this is just annoying. And wrong.

If they can’t deal with the mob that isn’t focused on their pet. Then yes wait 2min. Other classes quest/farm just fine with out needing a tank pet to keep the mob off of them.

Even if the hunter does rip off of their pet concussion shot, run a bit, frost trap, and if some how the mob is still alive another concussion shot.

MD is wonderful. It takes a whole 2 shots for the pet to lose aggro again.

I remember having to MD my pet constantly in the beginning of WoD because they changed how growl works. This feels like that.

Then you were undergeared.

Your using the wrong pet.

Dps pet is good for dps, not generally for aggro.

Tank pet is good for taking damage, not for aggro.

Aggro pet is great at generating aggro but isn’t overly tanks and doesn’t do the best dps.

If you want an example of an aggro pet, any pet with screech. So bird owl bat.

Screech generates a lot of aggro. It also works for aoe aggro so mend pet won’t pull aggro on to you when fighting more than one mob. You also have disengage and FD to juggle aggro with your pet.

I usually send my pet o to something, put a trap down, and kite another target into the trap, then kill pets target, top pet off, send it after another mob, then finish killing the trapped target. This gives the pet time to get aggro and I don’t have much downtime. I typically use freezing trap, steady shot, and concussion shot and just AA the pet target with mend pet when needed.

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High dps, high threat.


Yes and no, some pet abilities generate bonus threat and it’s not always stated that they do.

Screech for example generates additional threat because it puts a debuff on targets

Gorilla thunder stomp has bonus threat to it.

There are pets designed to generate bonus threat, raw dps isn’t the only way to get threat.

Turtles as an example are the best tank pet when their CD is used, but their threat generation is garbage as they are low damage and none of their abilities apply any bonus threat, just raw damage (in in terms of their defensive CD, reduces their threat through slower attack speed).

Pets get more complex when you actually look into how certain abilities work. For constant threat screech is the best ability outside of growl, for burst threat gorilla stomp is best, for raw dps its ravager but it won’t generate as much threat as screech, nor does it have any aoe threat capability outside of tab targeting.

Aggro doesn’t just come from damage.

But it mostly does.

Get a chain going. Misdirect the first mob. When the first one is at 30% health, tell your pet to attack a new mob.

Kill the first mob and by the time you’re going to attack the second one, your pet has growled two times and you will not pull aggro usually.

Keep repeating this process

I use a mouse over pet attack to keep this cycle smooth. It keeps me on my current target without switching to the one I want my pet to go attack.

This works very well with things you skin. While looting and skinning, have your pet to attack something. When you’re done, pet will have plenty of threat. Same deal with drinking water. Drink and send pet in to attack.

When you are nearing a new level of growl, it’s not fun though. Like, when you’re 59 and your pet learns a new rank of growl at 60, you’re just gonna pull all the threat. Same deal when you’re fully BIS at level 70. Your pet isn’t gonna hold

when i’m bored i just find the hunter community to keep me entertained.

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You’re right but owls/bats still have higher TPS despite being lower DPS than ravagers. Screech is very good for mob grinding.

Boars are good but also not worth the slot most of the time. Charge/gore/bite is great but only for short mob kills.

Bis pets
Owl or bat
Scorpid if you arena with arena spec if you don’t do this then it doesn’t matter.

Wrath will be just as limiting…
Sporebat hands down bis.

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Have you tried being beast spec?