Hunter Pet specs - open to all pets

I want to use so many of the cunning pets as models but they are worthless in PVE content. The entire mechanical class - no leech or additional HP for the hunter so there is never a point to have them.

Allow ALL hunter pets to be any spec again - keep the default special ability if you want - but I want to roll with any pet for any content. As it stands now PVE hunters will only see a cunning pet as BM in stable slot 1.


I love Birds of Prey but if I donā€™t have a Ferocity pet out for a BL I feel like a detriment to the group. Even if thereā€™s a Shaman / Mage i dont trust them


What if there were more situations in PvE where different pet specs were optimal? Or would you still prefer to be playing your favourite companion all the time?

My pet has a spec?

I just wanted a big cat and he matched my hair!

ETA: I just looked back at this characterā€™s posting history and I expressed the same surprise at the idea on Mar 25, '21! :rofl: Apparently, this is really not an important aspect to me.

I miss being able to run a falconer with just one specific kind of bird for the theme (I spent like hours prowling for the unique dragonhawks even - although still less time than it took to get the spirit owl on Hyjal)

Questionā€¦why are Hellhounds cunning? They are literal boneheads, and besides using the WOLF skeletons and being called WOLVES some of themā€¦ arenā€™t ferocity?

Agreed. BM hunter is my main and Iā€™m tired of the limitations on my pets.

This too. And sometimes Iā€™m tired of all that flapping in the way of seeing what Iā€™m doing.

Iā€™d prefer the choice. I have about five favorites but usually only get to use one type.

And another thing that never seems to be addressed, but maybe Iā€™m missing something on this request.
-I have about five Hunters and everyone talks about account-wide this and that, but it seems to me, at least on rares you have to spend hours camping on, that those pets should be account-wide. Once you spend those hours camping out like many others spend hours getting rep and whatnot why arenā€™t Hunter pets account-wide?

The theory has been each toon is responsible for hunting their pets, but account-wide seems to be a thing for many other toons spending time on one character - whatā€™s the difference now that many things have changed?


I could imagine this could work as an achiev or collection thing but as is the system doesnā€™t feel set up at all for it.

But yeah I rerolled hunter toons three times between Mists and Legion and each time the most annoying part was getting my rares back.

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Yeah, I understand what youā€™re saying. I think, too as Hunters weā€™re not a group that makes a big ruckus over it - Maybe we should! lol - seems to get some things done, albeit after years of ruckus making.

Personally, I disagree with this. As an altaholic with a hoard of hunters, I feel like it would trivialize the pets to just be able to pull them from my main. I love the alt friendly changes, but to me this one feels a little excessive.

As for OPā€™s post, absolutely would love to be able to choose again-- especially on BM, who has supposedly ā€˜masteredā€™ their pets.

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I think hunter whining has mostly been centered around survivability and the war between melee and ranged SV for so long that nothing else really gets through in that white noise (and also pretty sure said white noise made one of the hunter devs quit outright)

Plus I suspect some hunter players do enjoy the hunt for rares (technically I do but to thereā€™s a point where it gets less fun after the 3rd time)

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Or allow hunter pets to be useful again, let us bring missing raid buffs to the raid.


Please and thank you

This too! It just seems like players like to complain about the Hunter class until theyā€™re nerfed into the ground then the game makers slowly bring back a few things after taking away super important abilities. It seems the only time weā€™re paid attention to is when itā€™s time to take away things. Spicytuna, (love that name btw OP), makes a fine point of one of these things, as does yours.

Hmm ā€¦ I still tend to see bonds of hunter pet loyalty being to a specific character. This puts them closer to ā€œgearā€ than ā€œcollectableā€ for me.

But Iā€™m not actually opposed to an account-wide stable - I could easily just assign specific pets to specific hunter alts and manage all the personal bonding in my imagination; I donā€™t actually need the game to hard-enforce it to have my fantasy,

We used to be able to do this, and it is one of the few changes I really dislike. I love all sorts of models of pets, but I only like to use Cunning for the speed boost.

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Agreed. The system where you picked your petā€™s spec was a million times better then the current one. I basically canā€™t raid with my fox because Cunning isnā€™t that great for raiding.

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