Hunter Pet Names

Is there a restriction on names I can name my pet, that I wasn’t aware of?
I tried 4 different names, and they all said they had “invalid characters”
I tried “Khalida”, “Ares”, “Dearil”, & “Ernaline”

Bro WHAT are these names

If you tame that Loque or King Krush you better leave those names alone you hear me

For that undead raptor you name it BOSS

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I thought they were unique

I’m not sure why they’re showing up as invalid names.

Generally, Blizzard doesn’t allow you to use cuss or dirty words, nor famous/infamous names.

The only name in that list I could see as probably not allowed is “Ares.”

But there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to change their names…

…and as I was typing that, it dawned onto me: Is your pet a rare spawn?

Because if it’s a rare spawn, then it comes with its own name (e.g., King Krush or Humar the Pridelord and so on). In this case, you must get a name certificate from the AH. This allows you to rename your pets.


Ares is literally the Greek god of War… so that’s one that’s probably off the list.

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I was unable to name my pet gargon, “Gargomel.”

That’s what I said, in the paragraph below the one you quoted. :wink:

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Someone has clearly not seen the Smurfs…

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Invalid Characters… Were you using the quotation marks when you input the names?

Just tame a gromit and name it bepples and watch it die to mobs in korthia.


No. I was taught you use quotation marks when you are typing something
exactly like it happened, or said, ect

The marks are the edges. I was asking cause you said “invalid characters”, and I thought: “Quotation marks, they would probably be invalid.”
I don’t actually recall the mechanics of the naming process, but it’s a safe bet that yes, there are restrictions you (and me!) are unaware of.
Were you able to capture/tame the pets you wanted?
Clefthooves, Draenor is a good place , several varieties. Good Luck.

Story goes, Jupiter had a splitting head ache. Well, his head cracked open, and from his brow, with a battle-cry upon her lips, did leap Ares, fully armored and armed for battle.
Or was it Aries? and Zeus?
The God of War for the sake of war, who reveled in the desolation of war?

No, no. You’ve got it backwards.

Ares is the Greek name for Mars. Mars is the Roman name for Ares. Ares/Mars is literally the same person (god).

Many people get thrown off by the Greek names/Roman names thing. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ares is a he, you’re thinking of Minerva/Athena. Which can be confusing since technically the Greeks have two gods of war: Ares for carnage on the battlefield, and Athena the goddess of battle strategy. in Roman myth she is relegated to a goddess of crafts Minerva because the Romans preferred Mars.


Half-remembered Mythology, on my part. Sorry. Worse than that, is as noted in the post following yours, I was confusing Ares and Athena.
Athena was a daughter of Zeus, leaping full-grown from his brow, and a Goddess of War, but certainly not Ares.
I was taught the Greek and Roman Pantheons were much the same, the difference being mostly a Roman re-naming. Who used what name in which Pantheon, just flickers of memory

They are both descended from a shared Indo-European mythology just like the languages; this is why there are parallels with Germanic mythology and Hindu mythology. As Roman and Greek cultures interacted with one another their pantheons and mythology would borrow traits from one another so they would converge. They were also influenced by their neighbours e.g. Roman mythology borrows a lot from Etruscan mythology (and old non-Indo-European culture in ancient Italy) which leads to a lot of the different naming.


Fascinating, for a few hours. I’ve heard of the Etruscan influence.

This, I don’t think I’ve ever heard. I think Germanic and Norse mythologies have some overlap, I’ll be looking into the Hindi? influence, like; how did it get to central/western Europe?
Hunter pet names: Horde- if it’s a wolf, Maybe Grond, or Carcharoth. Possibly, Draugluin.
The other guys: if it’s a hound, name it Huan.

Norse mythology is a subset of Germanic mythology.

The religion spread throughout Europe due to the Indo-European migrations ~4000 BC - 500 BC.

It’s not all the same because the pantheons changed all the time (e.g. in Greek mythology Poseidon used to be the primary god but it changed to Zeus later) but there are shared elements that come from a common ancestor e.g. the concept of a sky father (Zeus, Jupiter, Tyr, Dyaus Pita, Perun) that controls weather and uses lightning.

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I go with Futurama names like Bender Zoidberg and Leela.

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