I was levelling five Allied Horde Races to 120/50. Back at old level 40, each of them made the gruelling trek to Sholazar Basin to buy the Fetch book, because I can’t live without Fetch.
I had the time and fortune to get two of them to 120 before the pre-patch. 50, no problem, Fetch intact and working. However, the other three, who were now 45 or 46, did not have Fetch in their spellbooks anymore.
On patch day I copied them over to the PTR and took them to Trueshot Lodge. I could buy the Fetch manual but not use it, it gave a ‘you do not meet the requirements’ error. Mousing over the manual says it now requires level 17 to use. (Make it 15 at least! Because Fetch!)
However using those same characters now, five minutes ago on the PTR, they can buy and use the manual to get Fetch again. So that issue has been fixed.
My problem is that Fetch is still missing on Live, and the GMs have not heard anyone else have this issue. I don’t want to re-buy the three Fetch manuals to test it out because I paid 150 gold for those things and dang it if I’m gonna accept the loss when it is not my fault.
Blizz can easily confirm the previous purchase pf Fetch on those characters. Can I get them restored please?
Thank you.
I bought the manual to teach my pet fetch and used it often. It is gone now, and prepatch I was level 113. How do I get it back as it is gone from my action bar and not in my spell book? I really do not want to have to buy the manual again.
In another post, a hunter reports that they could finally get the manual at 47.
I did go back to Trueshot Lodge and bought the manual again for 50G and relearned fetch, so it is back on my toolbar. Not sure why it disappeared before.
This isn’t related to a paid game service, so don’t hold your breath for a response or fix…ever
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Well, a dog’s gotta try. Anyway, my new guy got to finally learn Fetch at 48. He tried every single level to use the book, to no avail.
Surely this issue has to be fixed, and surely Blizz have to recompense the thousands of hunters who paid for, and lost, Fetch.
checked today’s patch notes. still not fixed. 1000% not surprised.
I should stop paying for this garbage
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I also checked the PTR. Either it was never changed to 17 or it was put back to 47. Also, of course, no hint of recompense for those under-120 hunters who lost 50 gold worth of book.
At level 17, why it is 50 gold? Make it 50 silver and we’ll call it even.
What a trash company. They’ve really gone into the crapper since Activision.
I pray, daily, for any MMO with staying power to come along so I can dump this godsawful company
Just came across this issue the other day when I was leveling a new Hunter. I put in a ticket and the response was for me to put in a bug report and/or post on the forums. They are obviously aware of the issue. Oh well I guess I can’t be lazy and will need to run to loot stuff…ha
The level squish broke so many things, both actual bugs like Fetch (where the tooltip and actual requirements don’t match) and things that were pure lack of foresight, like consumables not scaling down to 10 in every expansion.
The leveling revamp could have been one of the best means to refresh the older zones, if they’d just done it right. But here we are.
I would appreciate it if this could be fixed. The only thing that I can figure is that due to the level squish along with Chromie time, there is some inconsistency with regard to the item. If a hunter was able to use this ability prior to the squish, they should be able to use it afterwards. And why it should say usable at level 17 when it obviously isn’t, is beyond me.
I just tested it on my level 30 hunter, and no go. Level 47 is up around old level 113, whereas previously I could take a hunter of a much lower level to Shalozar Basin and buy all the items there, including Fetch, and they were useable. You certainly didnt have to be level 113.
This situation makes zero sense. Have the decency to either fix it or explain why this has been done.
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Wouldn’t be the first time a tooltip contained an error after a patch, won’t be the last time either.
That’s possible, but I’m seeing other issues regarding similar sorts of game items. I notice there is one where people are having trouble attaching lines to the Legion legendary fishing rod which before they could do, and they are also are getting level errors. It seems certain items are suffering from inconsistencies after the level squish and how it relates to those items.
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