My hunter’s pets keep disappearing. I have had three pets disappear so far when I have done the following:
- used Windrider to travel from Crossroads to Orgrimmar
- fed pet
- consumed food
Trying to resurrect gives me the message that I have no pets, and they are not in the stable.
Having same issue, pet happiness is green; playing continuously with pet for hours, gaining levels, then suddenly disappears. I noticed each time that despite the lapse of time, loyalty levels are not gaining at all.
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I got the same issue. Lost my 2 pets the same way. They simply vanish for no reason.
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PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE! Hunters literally are unplayable otherwise.
It has happened to me too, multiple times. Does someone knows why pets disappear? I’ve had like 5 pets and all are gone. I’ve fed them, trained them and when reviving, reloging, riding, they abandon me.
Hunter pets are pretty high maintenance until they become more loyal to you.
Certain pets only gain happiness from certain foods, and they lose happiness overtime, when dying and when dismissed. If you feed a high level pet, low level food, it won’t gain happiness from it.
I had an issue weeks ago where, despite appropriate feeding and leveling, the pet was not gaining loyalty levels at all. I had to re-tame the same pet 3 times before it began loyalty leveling. (Same pet I tamed on retail Vel at 10 and still have at 100). Perhaps the OP ran into this bug.
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Oh weird! Which pet was it? Maybe the issue is with that particular creature.
Many other hunters reported the same problem so I don’t think it was actually just that pet. But fyi it’s a night saber stalker.
My pet just disappeared…
He was happy… I was fishing. Logged out and in and he was gone.
What is happening? I can’t even contact you guys with tickets.
Tried reviving. Calling. Stable is empty. Name of the hunter: Imstupid (nick has nothing to do with the problem lol)
Having same issue here with a Tauren hunter. I’ve had a tallstrider, cat, boar and wolf. I keep the happiness and loyalty high by feeding it. I’ve had them disappear after logging out, just walking around, in battle, passing through a town.
Kind of pointless not to fix this considering that’s a main point of a hunter. Training my pets is useless because they’ll just randomly disappear anyway…
Same problem I have had three pets vanish after logging out and back in again. One was a white bear only able to get during a quest.
+1 here can’t level a ravager rn at all
I’ve had an issue where my pet has disappeared 3 times now… Every time the pets happiness is GREEN. and then when I click on call pet. it says " You don’t have a pet to summon" … is this a bug?!
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My pets are either getting stuck on objects or just falling through the terrain. I’ve had this happen a few times in Bgs (WSG around the tree stumps is bad) … Might be related?
my pet disappeared after i took a SW portal. Now my pet from all classic is just gone.
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Blizzard replied to me saying no one else is reporting this as a problem and that they won’t help me until enough people report this.
Just made a hunter, same problem. This has now been years since this was reported. Anyone find a handling?
This has happened to me on my hunter a few times also, typically occurs when I get mind controlled. Tells me I have no pet, but he’s not dead, cant summon etc. Able to fix it by taking control of a different " summoned creature" . Learned this when I lost him in kara, and he spawned back after we finished Chess event. Crappy fix, but does work.
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Assuming you fed and used the pet, I would report it again till someone takes notice.