Hunter Pet Combo Macro Help Requested

Hi, this should be extremely easy to macro but I can’t get it to work. The combo Mend/Feed macro is cited all over the place, but past that the ones that roll in Call/Revive tend to make them one-buttons that use conditionals solely. I want one that also includes modifier keys.

What I’m looking for is one that when no modifier is used, it casts PetFollow. When Shift is used it will summon if not out, revive if dead, and cast Mend Pet if present and alive. If Ctrl then it casts Feed Pet (with specified food.) And finally using Alt for dismissing pet.

I want to keybind it to a side mouse button, and while I know mouseover macros don’t work with mouse button binds, nothing here should be a problem. This should be easy to do, and I’ve looked at several places and found bits and pieces but when I try to combine them, only one or two functions work.

Could anyone help with the correct syntax here? Thanks in advance.

Okay. Halting this because of a problem.

Mend Pet/Revive on the same modifier is a good idea.

Call Pet X is not.

The reason is that if your pet goes out of range, Blizzard doesn’t know if your pet is dead or alive and out of range. All it knows is that you have no pet bar (what it’s actually checking for).

You can get stuck sending a Call Pet when you should be sending a Revive Pet.

My recommendation would be to put the Pet Follow part in an “Oh, Crap” button that will recall your pet if you accidentally send it into combat by mistake (a button that does that has saved my butt a few times). Then put Mend/Revive udner one modifier, Call Pet X under a second modifier, and Feed Pet as the default.

Also, setting it up your way, you cannot get the auto-icon thing to work well as Pet Follow is not a spell with an icon. It’s a direct pet command.

I’m writing it this way, use it or not. Up to you.

Gimme a sec to get it down.

“Oh, Crap” macro

#showtooltip Fetch
/petstay [mod]
/petfollow [nomod]
/cast [nomod]Fetch

This assumes you’ve picked up the “Fetch” command from the Legion Hunter Order Hall. Worth a detour in your play to do so if you haven’t so far.

Pet Care AIO

/cast [@pet,dead][@pet,noexists,mod]Revive Pet;[@pet,noexists,nomod]Call Pet 1;[@pet,nodead,exists,combat]Mend Pet;[@pet,nodead,exists,nocombat]Feed Pet
/use [@pet,nodead,exists,nocombat]Insert Food Name Here

Dead pet (still have pet bar, HP = 0) or no pet and a mod key held you will cast Revive Pet

No pet bar and no modifier key held, you will call pet #1.

Pet bar, pet alive, in combat, you will cast Mend Pet.

Pet bar, pet alive, not in combat, you will cast Feed Pet and then “use” the food that you named.

I have not tested this. I’m not in game at the moment, but except for the feeding the pet part, this is identical to what I use.

Thanks for the response.

I saw a macro that negates this by forcing it to do one or the other. It was to bypass the issue where pets are dead but despawned so you’re missing the bar and it acts like you don’t have an active pet but refuses to let you revive.

I don’t particularly like icons auto changing based on modifier keys, so I would’ve set it to the static Feed Pet one.

I’m out of possible keybinds on my Hunter unless I want to start binding some very uncomfortable ones like Shift-K, hence the desire to put all of this on one button. Spamming follow is a quick and dirty way to keep your pet from peeling off as you bail, without needing to change them from defensive to passive, making you able to immediately turn and resume attacking without having to switch them back. I already do this by manually hitting Follow as I’m running.

Yep, got it back in Legion. It’s already bound.

Unfortunately, I tried the macro exactly as written, and it doesn’t work. None of the functions uh, functions. The other issue is both macros are using basic mod/nomod conditions, which mean any modifier, when I want specific keys for specific functions. Shift = Call/Revive, Ctrl = Feed, Alt = Dismiss. Specifying the specific mod key expands how many functions you can assign to a single button. E.g. You can get up to 12 different functions on the mouse wheel alone this way.

Thanks for the reply, though. I’ll keep experimenting and hope someone else has some input.