Hunter or warlock

Ha, this question is how I got my original username. I told an IRL friend I’d create a warlock on his server, but changed my mind and created a hunter, instead. Named my hunter “Notalock.” Didn’t stop people from whispering me for summons, but at least I got to use the “I’m not a lock” line over and over.

Make a hunter.


Warlock by a mile.

2/3 of their specs are top of the charts and they bring a ton of utility and tankiness.

Hunters are super squishy.

What will you spend most of your time doing in game?
I main a BM because after playing spriest for years and years I fell in love with BM’s mobility. I also really enjoy taming pets, more than I thought I would.

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Both are fun and durable. (make sure to take a ferocity pet with hunter, though)
Lock is kinda slow motions sloggy feeling compared to hunter. In my opinion either is good, just depends on how fast paced you like your combat.
slow…take lock

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What are your considerations? Is mobility a big deal for you? Because warlocks are slow. Real real slow. I’m a destro lock forever even though the demo train is rolling right now but they both perform well. Only aff is bad and odd because aff sucks but back to mobility. We don’t have it. Except for one talent but you have to decide between mobility or tankiness. As a destro I will always choose demon skin. My spells hit hard and I often steal aggro but the way we’re designed I can get wailed on for a good minute and be fine. Unlike say a mage or a ww monk who would fall over dead right away if they didn’t run. But they can run. Real far akd fast. I cannot. I basically RP walk lol.

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I messed around with both and discovered what you said, Hunter is fast and warlock is slow damage. Both do well for someone getting back in the game. Spent the day running around getting into various situations and while both did well but the Hunter was faster about it. I think I’m going to go with the Hunter, thanks everyone for the input.


My warlock is Undead, because I can’t imagine anything else after viewing the first two cinematics for WoW.

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SV Hunter! Wanna feel like the Rambo lovechild of Spider-Man and Green Goblin? Harpoon yourself to glory! Enjoy throwing bombs! Bombs that explode and make more bombs! Use meleee and ranged. Sometimes at the same time! PETS! PETS! PETS!


Hunters tool kit is pretty awesome.
Feign Death is off the hook. I wish it were something all classes could do.

Get play dead for your pet too from the NPCs that sell it. That way your pet will drop aggro too instead of fighting whatever it is youre trying to drop.
They do both work together with this macro. Though Feign Death seems to bug out sometimes regardless.

/cast Feign Death
/cast Play Dead

Press the button again and it wakes your pets back up.

Disengage is great but gets a lot better with the Posthaste talent. I’ll flip around backwards if Im running from something (now facing it) fire off Disengage, flip back around again and the Posthaste gives you that speed bonus for a few seconds. Makes for good getaways when Aspect/Cheetah is on CD.
Misdirection is a must. Make sure to use the macro so it auto selects your pet… saves a step.

#showtooltip misdirection
/cast [@focus,exists][@pet,exists] Misdirection

Now this one is just me being lazy and trying to save a keybind, but this will
call your #1 pet if its not out, when the pet is out it’ll fire off the spell/ability for the spec youre currently in. You could change these to fit your own set up.
It also tries to target the nearest enemy in front of you. This is great for SOLO play, but Id dump lines 2-4 if I were in a group so you dont send your pet if its a bad idea and wont be letting the game decide who your target is. Again…great for fast paced solo play, not so much when youre trying to focus the tanks target, lol

/cast [nopet] Call Pet 1
/cast [spec:1]Kill Command
/cast [spec:2] Rapid Fire
/cast [spec:3] Kill Command


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You’ll find success with both, at this stage. They are both top tier.

Tell us you don’t know how to play BM without telling us you don’t know how to play BM.

Both are good options. Current tuning puts warlock ahead, but tuning and balance changes almost every patch.

@Op ignore bulletproof. They are bad at one of the easiest specs in the game and have zero understanding of how hunter works.

Tldr hunter and warlocks are both in good positions right now.

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Depends. Both are a lot of fun, but hunters can collect. If you like collecting pets then go Hunter.

Or just go to and see for yourself.

You keep linking logs and thinking you’re making a point when you are just showing how little you know about how logs work.

Top good, get invite.

Bottom bad, no get invite.

And that’s why you’re sub par at one of the easiest specs in the game.

Keep trying to use a ST spec and perform better at multi target situations than specs designed for multi target situations.

I like my hunter. Warlocks are fun too, but you only have one pet choice when you group for interrupting. I wish it were just baseline, but other than that warlocks have a lot of utility, like hearthstones, soul stones, gates, fear, horror, elemental and aberration crowd control, etc Even though they have updated the succubus/incubus, I never see people use it, but they have seduction too.

Hunters are nice for freezing trap, tar traps, feign death, misdirect is pretty useful. Interrupting is easy, can also stun, slow targets, has a dispel too. Movement speed increases, ferocity pet leech and lust. Wild spirits is pretty fun if you choose night fae. I think hunter is an easier class to farm with.

You said to go to Warcraftlogs

Raid, past 2 weeks, HC, all percentiles

BM has 179,043 parses.
That makes it the 5th most played DPS.

You said Destro is top, they have 50,035 parses.

What do you have to say to that? Following your logic you’re saying BM is good.
