Hunter nerfs

They were not top to begin with, again with your lack of understanding, I bet that is confusing.

they have just had to go back and fix almost every single hunter rune

Can we get the guy who does Rogues runes to work on the Hunter ones instead? The Rogue guy is nailing it, they’ve had like 2 adjustments total to hunters 25


They were top in most brackets because melee hunter is the easiest spec in the game and did stupid dps for doing nothing.

All you do is spam 1 button and sometimes press a 2nd.

What spec is hard? Lock? Mage? Seriously? Rogue… mutilate? Warrior spam execute at % hilarious. There is no complicated spec. Again the more you type the more obvious any comment you make is useless.

Which one are you going to reroll to now your FOTM class is nerfed?

Pretty sure that’s a warrior play style… again confused.

That’s because you are a hunter player and have no clue how warrior even works.

Keep the room temperature IQ going, I knew enough last phase to use the cross dagger and stack deep wounds lol. Again you are confused …

Enjoy your nerf and let the malding continue.

Enjoy going through life at room temperature in mommy’s basement :slight_smile:

You still haven’t answered which class you are rerolling to since you aren’t top dps now for spamming 1 button.

You already showed your hand, you should stop. It is embarrassing for you at this point.

“top in lower brackets” lol.

Warrior does not know what logs are, we already established this in the above. Pointless to comment. Lol

In pvp if your not rolling 2 hand axe anyways with trap launcher you are doing it wrong. Massive pve nerf for no reason. Not even top dps.

I understand your frustration, but nerfs happen all the time in this game. Getting worked up about it has never helped me in my enjoyment of the game.

Top meters on the logs is big for pugging and influences decisions very easily, but this is why we find guilds to run in.

Biggest issue is the lack of buffs for marksman. We’ve established that the hunter pet is perfectly fine where it’s at damage wise, but our ranged attacks are just wet noodles compared to the Ever-Loving-Blasts of Boomies/Spriests.

It’s bad all around. There is no viable spec, weapon normalization + that nerf means hunters are f tier. Devs are delusional and do not look at logs.

Look I know you are a hunter and don’t understand simple things but yeah, it shows the class is easy to play.

It’s the easiest class to play in fact, by a large margin.

Should have been + 20% attack speed when dw the same type of weapon. +30%dmg should never be there

Wah wah