Hunter Mail Armor

What’s the point of hunters being able to use mail armor if they’re still by far one of the squishiest classes in game with terrible defensives? Can we go back to using leather armor and have that be their armor type? There’s a bigger variety in leather armor transmogs that actually fit hunters (what “agile” marksman would use heavy armor to move around?) and it fits in the lore for them to use leather armor. I don’t know up until what expansion, but hunters were primarily leather armor wearers until they can learn to use mail armor at lvl 40. Still hoping and most likely never getting new spell animations for hunters like fire arrows, shadow arrows, etc.

Mail armor ==> squishy??? Pull the other one. It’s got bells on.

Well, our squishiness has nothing to do with our armor.

However, I agree that literally every other armor type has more interesting transmogs…except then the new hotness came along and it’s mail. I expect we will see good mail mogs going forward. I wanted Blizzard to remove Mail armor entirely but this is a better solution. I think. I expect good mogs now.

I use at least three pieces of the Evoker set in my primary red/gold MOG.

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