Hunter Macro's

So what would a steady shot and kill command macro look like without the auto shot delay? With the hide error warning?

/Cast Auto Shot
/Cast Kill Command
/Cast Steady Shot
/Cast Kill Command


Does that even work with the new engine?

honestly not sure, i have not been on it. this was in my discord in hunter tab so i posted maybe it would help

according to google…no.

  • #showtooltip Steady Shot
  • /run UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
  • /castsequence reset=2.03 Steady Shot, !Auto Shot
  • /use [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
  • /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

Is one sites one shot macro. catch they say is you have to know your fire rate for the third line.

there is a one shot it seems but it got complicated. Haven’t tried the above myself. Jsut googled it.

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Ya I’m not looking for the auto shot component pretty much what I have is yours Halfpint aside from the auto shot piece, I’m just wondering if there is anyway to hide the error “I can’t use that yet” without turning it off for all my abilities.

sorry man i cant really help out. that’s all i got to go on. i hope someone helps you. happy questing

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/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear

There are a number of them but I use this as follows:

/use [target=pettarget] kill command
/cast steady shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear

It’s going to turn it off for everything. I suspect this is why the show is in the previous macro, to turn the sound and whatnot back on.

As far as I’m aware, you can only globally disable that using those sort of commands.

You may be able to do something like:

/run C_Timer.After(0.1, function() SetCVar(“Sound_EnableErrorSpeech”, 1) end)

So, combined it would look like:

/run C_Timer.After(0, function() SetCVar(“Sound_EnableErrorSpeech”, 1) UIErrorsFrame:Clear() end)

This should hopefully keep the error sound for the other abilities going and not completely disable them

I use this one:

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
/cast Steady Shot

And then just have an addon to get rid of errors so I never have to worry about it. lol (Pretty sure it’s built into ElvUI, but there are others that can do it.)

Or any other shot besides steady shot.

Also one that a lot of hunters use but I like to recommend it just in case because it’s my favorite Hunter macro ever:

/cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet;[nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet

If your pet is dead it revives it, if it’s dismissed it calls it, and if it’s active and alive it heals it.

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#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cleartarget [help]
/targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
/use [exists] Kill Command
/cast Steady Shot
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

If no target or dead/friendly target, will target the closest enemy and send pet to attack.
Will begin casting steady shot.
Will use kill command at the same time (if avail) (different gcd’s) as casting steady shot.

I also made a sweet macro for melee while soloing.

#showtooltip Raptor Strike(Rank 9)
/cleartarget [help]
/targetenemy [noexists][dead][help]
/use [exists] Kill Command
/cast Mongoose Bite(Rank 4)
/cast Raptor Strike(Rank 9)

Run at an emeny and press 1 button - if kill command or mongoose proc it will use both procs and still cast raptor.

Many thanks to the team on the classic hunter discord for some sweet macro engineering :slight_smile:

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