Hunter Macro for Raptor Strike/Aspect of the Monkey

Is there a way to Macro Raptor Strike and Aspect of the Monkey together in a sequence that casts Aspect of the Monkey then Raptor Strike then leaves the hotkey on Raptor Strike until you remove Aspect of the Monkey or switch to another aspect? I’ve tried:

/castsequence Aspect of the Monkey, Raptor Strike

Also tried adding /stopmacro and /castsequence reset=1. Not that familiar with these types of macros.

/cast !aspect of the monkey
/cast raptor strike

Can’t test it now, but hopefully it will do it for you.


This should work. :arrow_up:

Just to add to your OP,

Reset=1 means it’ll reset the entire cast sequence after 1 second. So, you hit the button, it casts monkey, spell icon changes to raptor; but after one second from hitting the button, the spell tooltip should revert back to monkey with a reset condition equal to 1.

! Before a spell means it will check if the buff is active and if it is, it will not reapply it… if it’s a spell you can toggle on and off.

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