I have just returned to gaming after being away from most civilization for the last year. As a result, I am finally able to level my WoW classic toon, and play Classic WoTLK! So, I’m looking for a guild.
I would like:
- A guild that is semi-casual (ish), or a social guild that raids. By this, I mean, I want to see progression, but I’m not militant about it. I want a guild that pulls on a schedule, expects people to be prepared with consumables, and enchants, and gems, etc.
- A mature/adult guild who isn’t obsessed with cursing on Discord. I don’t mind a little salty language at times, but no 18 year olds who have to drop an F-Bomb every 5 seconds.
- A decent amount of players in the guild and an active guild, so that dungeons and raids are easy to fill.
I have, many years ago, been a part of a great guild called WAKE on Kilrogg (R.I.P.) that cleared most of ICC and Ulduar, I have played WoW since 2005. I’m not awesome, but I can hold my own
I don’t expect an automatic raid spot, I’m happy to work and earn my way towards that, and will need time to finish leveling and gear up anyhow.
I have a very flexible schedule, and would like a guild that raids pretty much any time EXCEPT for Wednesdays after 9pm Server (EST).