Hunter looking for Guild

I have just returned to gaming after being away from most civilization for the last year. As a result, I am finally able to level my WoW classic toon, and play Classic WoTLK! So, I’m looking for a guild.

I would like:

  1. A guild that is semi-casual (ish), or a social guild that raids. By this, I mean, I want to see progression, but I’m not militant about it. I want a guild that pulls on a schedule, expects people to be prepared with consumables, and enchants, and gems, etc.
  2. A mature/adult guild who isn’t obsessed with cursing on Discord. I don’t mind a little salty language at times, but no 18 year olds who have to drop an F-Bomb every 5 seconds.
  3. A decent amount of players in the guild and an active guild, so that dungeons and raids are easy to fill.

I have, many years ago, been a part of a great guild called WAKE on Kilrogg (R.I.P.) that cleared most of ICC and Ulduar, I have played WoW since 2005. I’m not awesome, but I can hold my own :slight_smile:

I don’t expect an automatic raid spot, I’m happy to work and earn my way towards that, and will need time to finish leveling and gear up anyhow.

I have a very flexible schedule, and would like a guild that raids pretty much any time EXCEPT for Wednesdays after 9pm Server (EST).

Hi! We might be a good fit in Samurai Pizza Cats. =) I’m one of the officers. We have had a few raid spots open lately, mostly because RL stuff is happening with a few people. We do 25-man Ulduar on Thurs/Fri and we do 10-man on Sunday… invites start at 8:30. We’re casual, but we like to progress. We are working on hard modes and have had a lot of success, particularly in 10-man Ulduar, but are really having a hard time with Algalon, but we see that progression happening, so that’s cool.

Are daytime only usually see’s a couple of people on, but we pick up in the evenings and we like to run heroic+ and stuff together. Most of us are 30+. Anyway, if you’re interested, you can message me in game on Jolï, Mirielle or Noirfeu… or you can hit up Doctermoo, Moolatte, or Nebulæ if you’d like . =)

Good luck!

Do you accept fresh reroll toons?

I’m sorry I’m just seeing this! We do. =) At this stage in the game, we’re mostly on during raid nights and planned events… but, we do work together to schedule runs and stuff and have people of all levels within the guild. We are not very busy during the day, though… and tend to pick up in the evenings.

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