Hunter LFG

I'm an experienced Hunter looking for mythic raiding guild.

Current experience:
HoA level 30+, 380 ilvl
2/8 M-Uldir
900+ for M+

Faction doesn't matter,

Thank you
Hello Lybelda

We are a 2/8M guild looking for a hunter! We are on US frostmourne 2 nights a week :) hit me up on Tranq#1294
hey mate, how ya going

we are just about to start our mythic progression, just looking for people now to fill in the gaps. we are Horde on Barthilas, would love to have you join our group. add me on bnet luthrien#6853

see ya then!!
The Last Watch | 4/8M | We're Recruiting 1x Range (Pref Warlock) for Fetid Prog. High demand on Tank and Healers for M+++ (Provide Logs.) Wed|Thurs|Monday 8-11 pm SvT All Solid Casual Raiders Are considered for M++ and Heroic 8/8H run :) Btag : Sslayy#1148
still looking
5/8m 2 night frostmourne guild

add me winga699#1342
Hey mate, if you're still looking for a raid team, my team is 3/8M on Barthilas-Horde, and we raid Mythic Mon/Wed/Thurs 8.30-11pm server time. if you're interested, my btag is Sovereigne#11990, add me and we can talk further :)
still looking
Afternoon !

[A] <Wipe It Up> Saurfang (2/8M) -

We are recruiting for both of the raid teams in our guild currently! (Both teams do their best to not live up to our guild name)
We pride ourselves on having a very open social atmosphere in our guild with a lot of casual players and raiders, we like to create a guild vibe that you want to log into to play the game not just raid


[Raid Times]
Weekend Team - Saturday/Sunday [7PM - 10PM AEST]
Midweek Team - Wednesday/Thursday [8PM-11PM AEST]


[Currently Recruiting]

Weekend Team Recruiting -
- Ranged DPS
- Melee DPS
- Heals (Disc Priest pref)

Midweek Team Recruiting -
Melee DPS
Ranged DPS
Healers (Disc priest, Shaman, Paladin)


Complete with our Monday night Social raid night where we open the night up to social players to get their clear of Uldir on normal difficulty without the commitment to a raid team.

I've thrown the link to our recruitment thread at the bottom! Please let me know if you want any more information! Mine can be found at the bottom!

Look forward to chatting with you! Live long and prosper!

Contact Me if you have any questions or would like to join!
My btag! purplenub#6756
My discord Derankaix#3574
Derankaix/Amoraix in game! :)
Hi Lybelda,

Kind of a Big Deal [Khaz'Goroth/Dath'Remar] is currently seeking RDPS for it's mythic prog team.

We are currently 8/8H 3/8M

Raid times: 7.30-10.30ST Thursday/Sunday with optional alt run on Saturday.

We also regularly run high keys as a guild and have a dedicated Wednesday night M+ sesh.
Consistent RDPS are highly valued and sought after for our team. Cauldrons/Feasts are provided for mythic/heroic content.

Hit me up here on forum or add battletag Kronis#11834 if you want to chat more about it.
still looking
Hi Hope your well

The Last Watch 4/8M Frostmourne Alliance

8.00-11.00 ADET

We are very interested in your Hunter

Core Spot


11/11/2018 06:50 PMPosted by Slãy
Hi Hope your well

The Last Watch 4/8M Frostmourne Alliance

8.00-11.00 ADET

We are very interested in your Hunter

Core Spot



hey, i saw you post in trade chat need 3/8M, sorry im just 2/8
Hey mate
<Delusion> Is an alliance guild on Nag/Cael is looking for a few more ranged to fill our team for mythic prog. We raid Wed/Thurs 8:30-10:30 server time and currently 1/8 mythic. if you’re interested or have questions, my bnet is Dominorain#1913 or discord if that is easier is Dominorain#7020
Hey mate
<Delusion> Is an alliance guild on Nag/Cael is looking for a few more ranged to fill our team for mythic prog. We raid Wed/Thurs 8:30-10:30 server time and currently 1/8 mythic. if you’re interested or have questions, my bnet is Dominorain#1913 or discord if that is easier is Dominorain#7020
Hey bud we're always in a hunt for players willing to learn and be better.

If any question feel free to add me on bnet Unsettled#1638 for a chat
Hey mate, if you're still looking for a raid team, my team is 4/8M on Barthilas-Horde, and we raid Mythic Mon/Wed/Thurs 8.30-11pm server time. if you're interested, my btag is Sovereigne#11990, add me and we can talk further :)
Heya , we are currently looking to recruit another hunter for Mythic progression.

<theMinistry> is a Frostmourne Alliance OCE raiding guild. We are currently recruiting Mythic raiders and reliable members for throughout BFA. We are an active / social raiding guild looking to add new members. We do keystone runs a few days a week for gear to help out our members and to have fun.
Raid Days(Server Time)
Monday – 8:30pm-11:00pm
Wednesday 8:30pm-11:00pm
Thursday 8:30pm – 11:00pm
Mythic: 3/8

If this sounds like something you might be interested in please chuck me a friends request on BNET - EVA#2601
Hey, we're 2/8M, Wed/Sun 8-11 AEST.
<Tested on Animals> is a 3 day a week raiding guild that calls Barthilas its home. We are recruiting all forms of reliable dps to fill up a consistent mythic prog roster.

As a guild we have been punching bosses since march 2017. Previously we were casual but with the release of BfA we have changed our focus to mythic. Currently we have cleared heroic and are sitting at 2/8 mythic.
We don't mind having a laugh on farm bosses, but know that getting serious for prog fights is a must.

Our current roster is:
Mythic prog - Wed/Monday 7:30 - 10:30 SVT
Heroic farm - Sun 7:30 - 10pm SVT

What we are looking for:
* Ability to meet an attendance of 90%
* General raid and mechanic awareness
* Knowledge of fights
* Initiative to research and optimise your toon/s
* Positive attitude with a wicked sense of humour

For more info add one of us:
Applejellie#1334 - GM
Alata#1400 - Officer/Raid Lead
Power#1548 - Recruitment