Hunter LF Heroic/Mythic Raiding Guild

Trying to get back into the mythic raiding scene. Played casually in mythic plus last season on a rogue (2.8k) /resto shaman (3k) while adjusting to my new residence. Ideally looking for a PST guild or late night EST/CST guild any days Monday-Thursday.

Add me if interested!

BNET: BenjiBear#1111
discored: benjigames

Hey there. You a morning person? Some late night raiders find mornings work for their schedule. Day Raiders on Illidan raids Wednesday and Thursday 8-11 AM EST. We are aotc and have a mythic team as well. If you are interested hit me up. Discord ryaden

Hey Bennyhypes! Not sure if you already found a guild but I think we might be a great fit for you! Here’s some info about our guild and my discord in case you’d like to chat more. I’ve also sent you a friend request in discord so I can answer any questions you may have.

We(BEAVER DAM) is an AOTC raiding guild(currently 6/8M) and we’re looking to add new players who enjoy community and guild-driven events, both non-mythic and mythic+ content, deepen our raiding team for season 2, or form an arena pvp group.

Our leadership has been playing together since Burning Crusade and has a tremendous amount of raid experience, but we welcome folks of all skill ranges to join! Beaver Dam is a guild that is non-judgemental and a genuine fun group to hang around with. You should see us when we raid! We all have a blast while killing bosses. We have experienced members of all classes who can assist guildies with mastering their respective roles. Most importantly, we have built a community who enjoy playing with each other and friendships that extend outside of WoW.

ALL players are welcome, whether you like running M+, raiding, PvPing, leveling or hanging out and having a good time. For potential raiders, we raid every Thursday/Monday from 9:30pm to 12am ET and are currently recruiting for our normal/heroic team with a potential mythic spot if one becomes available. But we have people online in game and on discord in all time zones across the US.

If that works for you and you’d like to chat more, just let me know and I’d be happy to talk in more detail. Discord: juniiorz!

About Us:

is a well-established guild founded by an experienced leadership team, dedicated to fostering a community for high-end progression and content optimization. We take pride in our thriving community and impressive endgame achievements. Our current objectives include achieving Mythic Cutting Edge and pushing Mythic+ content…

As a goal-oriented guild, we’re eager to bring in more like-minded members who share our ambition. Our aim is to support every member in reaching their personal goals. We provide a reliable Loot Council system for items to ensure they go to the correct class and role to push endgame content.

While we don’t expect perfection, we do require a high level of class mastery, encounter knowledge, and mechanical execution. This includes thorough preparation with appropriate gear, consumables, and research. We also value versatility, so players who can effectively fill multiple roles are highly regarded.

Respect for others’ time is crucial. While we believe in having fun, progression demands focus and effective time management. Our endgame schedule requires players to be fully prepared and engaged during events to maximize our collective performance.

We understand that mistakes are a part of the process, but we expect players to quickly adapt and learn from errors. We emphasize teamwork and encourage openness to constructive feedback. If you encounter issues with strategy or other players, we urge you to bring them to the attention of leadership.


Nerub-ar Palace: 8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace: 6/8 M

Raid Times:

Wednesday: 7:30 PM EST - 10:30 PM EST
Thursday: 7:30 PM EST - 10:30 PM EST

Saturday: 7:30 - 10:30 PM EST*

*Optional Alt raid.

Recruitment Needs:

DPS: High

Healers: High

Tanks: Low


  • Treat everyone with respect, both within the guild and in the broader gaming community.
  • Value members’ time and efforts, especially during raids.
  • Be adaptable, maintain a positive attitude and embrace constructive feedback to address mistakes to help refine strategies.
  • Communicate effectively through Discord, which is required for participation.
  • Stay motivated to improve: analyze logs, refine your performance and actively contribute to the guild’s success.

How to Join:

You can reach out to one of our officers in-game, Bnet or via Discord.

GM: Forcefaith | Discord: force9014

Officer: Nivera | Discord: goblinsmithy | Bnet: GoblinSmithy#1769

Officer: Steinlick | Discord: needabrezjordan | Bnet: selorkie#11481

Ill just leave our spam here

Guild Name: Eternal Grave
Cross Fraction Guild

Eternal Grave is looking to grow as we dive into the new raid tier! We’re a progression-focused guild with a laid-back vibe, aiming to push further into Mythic content this tier. Last tier, we went 2/8M, and this time we’re hungry for more!

Raid Times:

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM PST
We’ve decided to keep things simple with a 2-day raid schedule, allowing our members flexibility to enjoy other content or take a breather.
Optional runs and Mythic+ groups happen regularly outside of raid nights.

Currently Recruiting:

-MDPS w/OS tank
-S Priest with heals OS
-Cloth DPS
-MDPS w/OS heals
-any really good DPS in general

We are also recruiting spots for our bench, where you will get guaranteed AOTC and opportunities to raid mythic as well!

What We Offer:

A chill and supportive environment for progression.
Mythic+ groups for gearing and pushing keys.
No drama, just fun and focus on raid nights.

What We’re Looking For:

Reliable, team-oriented players ready to grow with us.
Willingness to improve and contribute to progression.

Contact Us:
Interested in joining Mythic+ groups or jumping into raid action? Reach out to:

MrSmash1993#1531 (BNet)
Cerundion (Discord)

Let’s get that loot and have a blast this tier!

Hi Bennyhypes, would be interested in chatting. Our info is in my post below. Let me know if you wanna talk.

The Club is a casual mythic raiding guild (8/8H) that was formed by 3 long time WoW friends with collective achievements of CE and multiple m+ seasonal titles. Our guild is NOT CE focused, but a “50% mythic clear” focus. Meaning, we do not intend to push for CE but have a goal each tier to kill 4-5 mythic bosses. Our goal is to make a strong push for as much progression as possible within the first 4 weeks of raid release then drop to once a week mythic progression. Outside of our “raid season” we plan to push mythic+ and focus on building our community doing other fun guild things. We provide a competitive environment that allows any new trial an opportunity to earn a place in our raid team, while our current raiders are constantly striving to improve. Outside of raiding you will find our raiders in M+ mostly as we have players who have experience pushing season title.

Needs of raid team: ALL ROLES

What we provide for our raiders:

-All raid consumables (Flasks, Food, and Vantus Runes) are funded by BoE raid drops.

-M+ is a big focus for some of our players with some even having multiple season titles. Therefore forming groups and m+ support from the guild will provide plenty of opportunities to fill vault and gain experience.

-One month(4 weeks) of 3 raid days allows us to achieve most of our guilds raid progress so that we can then drop to once a week casual mythic raiding.

Raider expectations:

-Research fights or ask an officer for help

-Have your character prepared for the fight we are progressing

-Have any consumables that are not provided

-Have addons updated

-Update the attendance channel if you are unable to make raid

BNET: Jonpocalypse#11293 Hadek#11645 Greatsten#1596