Hunter LF a home for the War Within

I’m looking for a guild to call home for the War Within, and hopefully the rest of my wow stay. I just had a baby, so I don’t think I am looking for a raiding spot, more just looking to have some green text while I hop on in between feedings, diapers and naps lol

If time shows that I could participate in more scheduled content like raiding, I am happy with AotC lvl raiding. I’ve had AotC every raid tier until I stepped away from retail raiding at the end of Shadowlands. Dragonflight I’ve just been a filthy casual and done some lfr to get the story. I did do some mythic raiding in WoD and Legion, but found I more prefer AotC as the push to go for.

I main hunter and usually a healer alt, druid or paladin. For War Within I am contemplating firing up my pally as my main alt. I am a dwarf enthusiast, so I am very excited for War Within and the Last Titan! I just love dwarven and Titan lore!

Hey there!!

I’m a co-GM for a new guild on MG. We’re super chill and just have a great time most of us are streamers. We are an RP guild but will be doing M+ and raids as well.

If you’d like to come hang with us you can find us on guild finder we’re called Adventure Nexus. Our logo is a bunny rn! If you have any questions feel free to ask away.

Thanks! Found a chill group, but will keep you guys in mind if it ends up not being a good fit :slight_smile:

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