Hunter has Core Hound for Pet and hits me for 500 crits for 800+

Im not even a clothie

shot me down in 3 sec. I couldnt even bring him down 50% before he clapped me.

But hey dont give anything to warriors THEY MIGHT BE ABLE KILL SOMETHING !!

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And the crying continues.

You wont be happy unless hunters are free kills.


Ill take something that never happened for $200.


Oh, im sure it happened.

While the hunter was using BW and had raid consumes/buffa and world buffs on.


I want SoD to be known in warrior lore as The Dark Times.


So in your mind I got a free kills in this story ??

Was I even near getting a FREE KILL on the hunter ??


He 3 shot me down in 3-4 sec bro wtf are you on.

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me hit face with club
me hit face with club
me hit face with club
me hit face with club
me hit face with club
me hit face with club
me hit face with club
me warrior
me biggest deeps

And thats why you complain.

Because it wasnt a free kill for you.

Wait, you complained about the pets damage now its the hunters damage?

So you want pet damage nuked and hunter damage nuked. So its again about nerfing hunters until they are free kills for you.

He killed you in 3-4 seconds? Thats longer than half the other ranged classes would have taken to kill you.


have you considered equipping a shield?

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Yes imagine that The Pet AND THE HUNTER are doing crazy Damage.

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I saw a hunter with a Core Hound and felt the same envy I feel when I see all the casters with shiny new nukes blowing everything up.

The flavor and fantasy is strong with these other classes.

My flavor is that I get to go run back and forth from Silverpine and interact with a box and spend hours getting runes.


Its weak damage compared to multiple other classes.

But you just want hunters to be free kills.


Yea…being killed in 4 seconds in PvP in SOD isn’t quite the complaint you think it is OP, not when there are other classes 1 to 2 tapping people


I can actually say that I’ve seen core hound’s lava breath hit for 500+. But without that type of pressure hunters are free eats.


My Mortal Strike barely hits for 800.

Core Hound hits me for 500+

AND the hunter raptor strike me for 500 too.

But yeah hunters are free kills on these forums apparently.

Can confirm was hit with a Core lava breath for 900 and 789 back to back on my paladin yesterday

Its a valid issue to complain about though.

Nearly every class is way too bursty, damage has scaled to naxx levels but we don’t have the stam to go with it.

Yeah and people really don’t like being killed by hunter pets too because it feels so unavoidable and the hunter doesn’t even have to be present.

And when said pet is so big and makes annoying sounds while killing you.

Damage for sure is absolutely out of control at this point, I agree 100%. But the OP is making this into a hunter specific issue, when it’s not, it’s an SOD issue.