I would like Blizzard to add damage to Hunter ability Frost/Freezing Trap as a way to boost the ranged/hunter DPS as we are lagging behind and have been reduced to a meme spec only used for our Aspect of the Lion rune buff in PVE. I know ranged hunters are already good in PVP even with low damage, but a change on the frost/freezing trap ability like a damage over time to targets if within/affected by the frost could boost damage in PVE situations, while only a minor boost to DPS in PVP situations. Frost/Freezing traps would be a great way to make ranged hunters less of a meme class.
OFF TOPIC BONUS IDEA: Blizzard have one of the OG/original third person MOBA style games in the battle ground of AV/Alterac Valley within Wow Classic. Lets improve on the one lane MOBA of AV within upcoming phases, as I would like to see this hidden gem become a place where Wow players look forward to getting into battle grounds in a large scale conflict between the horde and the alliance. I know blizzard have Hero’s of the Storm but there is more that can be done for this Battle Ground.
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Maybe test it out with level 50 books that drops in instances. Also serpent sting needs an attack power coefficient added so it scales with intended gear.
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Sure lets increase the cd on traps when using the launcher rune to 3 mins. I like it
My thoughts on the damage that’s done per tick would only amount to 200-300 damage over 15 seconds, not very affective in battle grounds. Would increase hunter AOE damage in raids and dungeons, putting R/hunters back on the roster. If the CD gets increased it would not be much of a issue, how long the CD is depends on how Blizzard tunes with equity amongst the different classes.
They could also remove that STUPID cooldown on Volley. Like, why is that there?!
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Yeah there’s a good point.
Wouldn’t be worth the global. Immo is barely worth the global
Just need to fix the runes
Make Lion a book. The extra 10% can be a rune. Make sniper training linger after movement. Make traps and stings scale with AP
AoE damage is prolly more than fine after the base damage buff to explosive
Adding damage to CC abilities is dumb.
If you want to make ranged hunter equal to melee hunter, nerf melee hunters a little bit more and make sniper training last for 10 seconds after standing still, so it acts like its wotlk/retail implementation.
There is time between multi shot and explosive shot to cast both traps, I do use the frost trap for keeping fleeing mobs from escaping. Melee hunters could go two-handed with trap launcher and get the extra DPS with the traps, or you could remove the CD from volley. There are quite a lot of ideas including yours too.
I don’t really have a problem with my aoe personally if that’s what we’re talking about. Sure it’s no mage but it keeps up pretty well with everyone else just swapping a pair of gloves to explosive shot. I think it’s going to pump with that base damage buff. I think drastically shortening volley CD would be plenty if anything. That spell does a decent amount of damage if the pull is large enough
So basically calltrops, that has been a thing on retail.
Buff Hunter ranged damage by giving them abilities that are strong but have cast times.
Its incredibly tough to balance a class that is ranged and has all instant cast abilities.
I agree buff aimed shot and steady shot.