For those hunters who have access to the Alpha and are able to provide feedback on those forums, I’d like to ask you for a favor.
If you could add some points to the feedback you provide, if you haven’t already, that would be greatly appreciated. Or if you don’t think it’s necessary then don’t worry, all good.
Also anyone else with some points they would like to add feel free.
My main focus is MM, and getting that spec to feel and function better is what I’m interested in seeing. So for other specs, perhaps others can make suggestions.
I have many things I would like to see changed but i’ll limit it to the ones I think most MM hunters around here have agreed needs fixing. Precise Shots and Scatter Shot sharing trap DR. If you search these forums you should be able to find alot of feedback already about Precise Shots and Scatter Shot.
Many in the community have already posted concerns with Precise Shots since the early days of BFA and the way it functions. But to sum it up, It forces us to cast Aimed Shot to deal the majority of our damage, and when we are unable to cast it because heavy movement is required, we lose out on alot of dps. Many have suggested making Aimed Shot castable while moving, while I dont think that is the answer (I’d prefer if Precise Shots was removed from the game with a buff to Arcane Shot) it would be great if the devs can take a second look at this interaction.
Thanks for reading. I hope we can all help to make Hunters more enjoyable for Shadowlands.
i really hate to say this but it’s been two months and hunter has received no changes at all. i don’t think blizz cares about feedback for hunter. i made an essay about two months ago (My current full thoughts on hunter) and while i don’t expect everything i want to change to actually change, no change in 2 months shows there is either massive confusion in the hunter team on what to do or they don’t care for our opinion.
It’s both. High levels of both.
Yeah, many hunters have tried in vain over the years to get certain things to change including myself. I still keep an eye on the forums even when I am not subbed hoping to see if any of the changes the community wanted were being looked at.
While it seems we got a win with kill shot coming back, and that’s great, the core issue for me as a MM fan was the mobility of the spec in both pve and pvp situations. While I don’t mind stopping to cast Aimed Shot, I just feel the spec needs more options while on the move, and so does every other hunter as far as I can tell even if the solutions offered are different.
So while most of us have gotten used to the feeling of being ignored, I do think blizz does pay attention, they just don’t engage with the community at all about these things. It would be nice to have a blue respond to some of the key issues that get brought up over and over again and see their position on them, but one can dream.
I have to say, Blizzard’s response on hunters in shadowlands has been really disappointing. Especially when the hunter thread has a lot of really great feedback from players like Adreaver. It seems like their stance is ‘hunter’s are fine’ and we’re just going to be stuck another expansion the same as we are now. I really hope I’m wrong about this, but that seems to have been the case ever since their initial class changes blue post.
Which, again, is just really disappointing because I think there have been a lot of reasonable complaints from hunters about the direction of the class since legion. From the actual class (hunter) fantasy being so disparate from the specs we actually play, to balancing issues in pvp, and just really poor talent choice balance that force us out of choosing what where once class defining abilities like summon pet, chimera shot, serpent sting, or explosive shot. Our unpruning was also lackluster considering it skipped over abilities that have been in our kit since classic like our traps, aspects, or stings.
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To be fair, that seems to be Blizzard’s response to nearly everyone right now. Even the specs they are changing (ex. Balance), they made the changes and have basically stopped listening or caring again. They seem to have capped themselves at putting in maybe 3% as much dev effort into SL specs as they did even in BfA, which itself was already a fraction of the dev effort put into specs in Legion.
Most specs are sailing into SL without hardly any meaningful changes, and with a pile of glaring mechanical issues completely ignored. It’s gunna be a real dumpster fire at this rate.
Ya thats true. I’m still trying to be hopeful that they will be doing a second pass. I don’t think it needs to be something huge to make a huge difference. Just some talent balance at the very least.
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It’s possible they do this seeing as it seems like most the dev time is being put into the new customization and torghast.